[center][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/nR3O/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo5MSwidyI6MTAwMCwiZnMiOjkxLCJmZ2MiOiIjNzU0RjMyIiwiYmdjIjoiIzI5MjMyMyIsInQiOjF9/T3JuYWdlcg/sketchlogs.png[/img][/center][hr] The travel from his hometown and here was at least a few hours of biking, and thus he would need to already be up before sunrise. And Ornager would be up before sunrise, to the minute. He took his time taking a nice shower, grinding and cleaning his teeth, putting on the best set of orange plaid shirt, khaki pants and brown gilet that he set out the day before, double checking the suitcase he had prepared, along with a small treated wooden box on top of it, compact with mechanical tools that he could not live without. With a brief goodbye said to his parents, the large beaver slugged the two items he had out of the house and marched towards a tricycle, and indeed it is a tricycle. Sturdily handcrafted almost entirely out of wood except for the chains, tires and wires, with a large basket in front suitable for any bulky personal cargo he had, which would be the two baggage, along with a pump he just casually yanked from the back of the house. His parents already had a spare. With it, the beaver embarked on his journey. It was quite long, but he was well-built for long journeys. As long as he had his bottle of water with him, a song to hum down the country road, time flew quite fast. Soon, Gloomminster came into sight, neared and finally engulfed the beaver as he strolled along the road, passing by the shops and houses. He saw the lodge he was supposed to stay in, but passed by that to head into a cafe parking lot instead. After making sure that his preciously built tricycle was securely fastened, he slugged his baggage out of the cargo basket and headed inside. The door opened to a ring of a bell, and emerged a large furry silhouette, a large flat tail slightly skidding off the floor. His lips opened to reveal four long teeth in the middle, as he raised a finger to catch the attention of a cafe worker. [color=725c42]"Fur' one please."[/color] He spoke, having quite a distinct accent. One cafe worker approached the beaver slightly nervously, which towered over the small lad, who asked if he shook his head, to which Ornager shook his head with a firm [color=725c42]"Nai."[/color] The cafe worker looked over it a bit and directed the beaver to sit down at a table nearby. He dragged the luggage over before plopping down on the seat, the tail tucked between his legs, seeing as the chair could not fit putting it behind him. [color=725c42]"A gulp of water fur' me. Thank ya."[/color] He ordered from a waitress, before inclining back on his chair, having a look at everyone around him. There's a certain lot of personality around, of different kind. The beaver saw two elves sitting close by him. He did log the peculiarity of their physical appearances, as one had what looked like sews on her lips, and the other had eye-covers, but Ornager greeted them the same as he would any other. [color=725c42]"Heyo, how's yur mornin' been?"[/color] He said, a friendly [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1354398444362866690/ZSSdnVNi_400x400.jpg]smile[/url] that let the two long upper teeth jutting out, looking a little goofy, as he waved at both of them with a two-fingered salute. [@AriiBird]