[@Thinslayer] [@Darkmoon Angel] is partially right, I haven't made the OOC thread yet and I have so far deliberately leaving a lot of the world details vague so that it can be built upon in the story. It just felt like a lot of information that didn't leave me or the other players much room for flexibility or adding their own details. I will say that identifying the beast as something beyond what I intended was fairly egregious though, the GM has to control things to a certain extent (even if I do want this to be collaborative; finding the right balance is tricky). Also, as I said, I wanted to avoid the situation where someone wants to play a character so badly they try to work it into the setting to the point where it isn't fun for them anymore. I've had it happen so I try to avoid that sort of thing to have a good experience for everyone. So yes, I'm not mad, that's just my perspective.