[hider=Maximum Powercreep][center][h2][u][colour=DDA0DD] Qasem Laghmani[/colour][/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QiAqzkL.png[/img][/center] [b][center] [colour=DDA0DD]"Smile some, life is dream after all."[/colour] [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 17 | Male | Inipori | Greyscale Chamarine | 4.63 [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Cheerful] ❖ [Honest] ❖ [Resolute] ❖ [Curious] ❖ [Disciplined][/indent] Antithetical to his title and that of his order, Qasem is as bright light of energy who wears his heart on his sleeve. A charming smile and offer of friendship to most any he comes across is what he likes to think of as the face of his true self, but of course being a truth-seeker does at times call for mask to be worn. One less open and acquiescing to others. Most importantly, Qasem does not abide deception in any form. As part of his initiation, took a vow to root out and report any he finds and uphold truth in all things. [h3][u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/h3] Dark of skin, hair, and eyes. Qasem sticks out a distinct foreigner in southern lands. He stands just over six feet, and through careful consumption of chemical remedies, paired with magic has achieved a massive amount of muscle and imposing stature. His preferred dress is brightly coloured and flamboyant; often made of silks or satin and trimmed with metallic thread. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Native - Inipori Fluent - Viragish, Ferreze, Palapish, Malabashi Conversational - Paggonese, Torragonesse, Avincian [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Chemical - Journeyman Blood - Adept Binding - Novice Given his pitiful RAS Qasem is forced to compensate his magical ability but using it in unique and unexpected ways. His primary target for his spells is typically himself; a combination of his practical and magic chemical knowledge allows for Qasem to augment his own body to be much stronger, faster, and resilient for short periods of time. If the situation calls for it, he is able to turn off his pain sensors completely and overclock his body's adrenaline production to stay awake for extended periods. It all comes at something of a cost of course: Such physical exertion requires recovery time, and to preform them at all calls for Qasem to be constantly topped up with a specific formula of vitamins and proteins, distilled once a week and carried in a flask. Using his magic on others is something he is loathe to do, but often called for in his line of work. He struggles to effect others without direct touch, but once done so has access to all systems of their body. His studies have taught him much about the brain's chemical reactions, and his time as a truthseeker more still. Not quite at the level able to detect his targets exact brain pattern by sensing alone, Qasem instead uses his abilities to replicate the reactions monitored in others within his own body. This gives him particular insight into the emotions and thoughts of others, but is primarily used to detect and stop lies. There are other magics he's learned. Long forgotten curses, and maledictions that could further make up for Qasem's lacking range and capacity. But he's never had the need or desire to exercise those. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Qasem's history thus far has been as a footnote in the greater fates and tales of others. First there was family. The great Laghmani lineage, dating back some four-hundred odd years to a group of peasants in the northern Zaqhory desert. A peasant family gifted by Fashdal-Sep a dream of a future to come; one that would bring ruin and destruction. The vision brought the family further north still; to Inipor. For another generation they lived more destitute than even before, thought lying or insane for their stories. Until the Torragonesse came. As the Laghmanis witnessed their homeland ravaged by invaders, they themselves were uplifted in the Inipori capital. Divine seers, the were called, protectors of the Darhanic Dreams. The same gift would continue to reveal itself in the same line every few generations, and while found in Qasem, it was not he who the Dreamer thought worthy to bestow it upon. Instead, he came into the world too-soon and choking for air. A disappointment from the beginning, he would remain small and sickly until adolescence; where his shamefully low RAS made itself known. It was a relief in its own right, any and all hope and expectations of him had fallen to his younger brother, and Qasem was free to toil in the depths of Hanom'Riqash, unearthing dusty tomes long forgotten to time. Razin was the second being he came to know in the world. Mother and father were deities in their own right to the vision of a four-year old child. It was Razin who had received the family gift, and more. Tormented by vivid nightmares and dreams at a young age, whispers of hope for the next shepherd surrounded him constantly. To Qasem he was a screaming baby - always seeking too much comfort. A blessing in disguise in the end - neglected and forgotten as Qasem was by the others around them. He could soothe Razin, be of use to his brother at least. The years that separated them might as well not have existed for the closeness achieved between the brothers as they grew. The third notable relationship in Qasem's short life has been Siraj Asghar, his assigned master and Truthseeker of the Greyscale Chamarines. He recognized the value of Qasem's studies and peculiar, albeit weak, magic. Together, they traveled the Darhannic world over five years, deciphering truths within lies and unmasking deceptions for later judgment. Siraj taught him what books could not: the nature of humans, their flaws and graces. How the duality found in them all was something worth preserving - and preservation required absolute truth. Shortly after his most recent return home, Qasem was called again. Alone, he would be sent to Ersand'Enise as a full Truthseeker in his own right. Officially, his business there was to investigate rumours of a Darhannic wild-blood associated in an assassination plot. Improbable, the people were to believe, that the Inipori council would send one so young and weak in the gift to deal with the claims had they any basis in truth. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] To serve the his order and the Inipor holy council as a truthseeker; bring falsehoods to light and record the truth. More personally and less officially, to return to his younger brother and to protect from the political vultures that circle him. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] On his Person: Water-skin - one of the two vessels Qasem exclusively drinks from Flask - filled with a strange-smelling mixture that somehow always feels slightly warm. If filled and emptied twice a day. Spear - weapon of choice and one with which he has most training Round shield - a small shield that can be attached to his fore arm or held depending on the situation Collection: Jewelry - A sizable assortment borrowed from his family's collection, though he rarely wares more than two pieces at a time. Lab Equipment - A large chemical set up taking up a significant portion of his room including a distillery, titration equipment, separatory funnels, and more. Traveling Chemical kit - A standing trunk that, despite it's name, weighs more that Qasem. Contains a vast collection of dried herbs, powders, and salves as well as a smaller and a mush less useful distilling set in the upper compartment. Notes - Multiple books filled with copied passages from Qasem's readings so they can analyzed while away from his usual sources kept in Inipor. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Studied ❖ Trained ❖ Respected ❖ Strong ❖ Sociable [/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Obstinate ❖ Foreign ❖ Vain ❖ Low Magic Potential ❖ Empathy[/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Hex Code: DDA0DD[/hider]