[center][h3][b][color=97aaad]Phan Le Chi Mai[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/Z1ENXTzr1L9SbYKr5i/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611698e917f12877a3dc4dcf63e937ea43745920e4a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=97aaad]Location:[/color][/b] The Field (School Carnival) - Drowning the Prey/Being Kidnapped [b][color=97aaad]Skills:[/color][/b] None Used! [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1064001599313281105/mai_day_1.jpg]~First Day Fit~[/url][hr][hr][/center] As Mai and Danny joined forces to perform their best interpretation of a L.A. earthquake for Sabine, no one was available to stop April from sinking Mai’s precious ship. The girl began to talk, first in compliment, then…the joke. Mai knew April well enough to know it was just a joke and not an actual accusation, but it was too late. April had hit upon one of Sabine’s insecurities, whether she’d openly admit to it or not. Small jokes were fine, but she was touchy about the clique. It would seem that even April realized her fuckup as she began to devolve into aimless chatter, but it was too late by then. Mai was about ready to cringe out of existence, but April had mercifully peeled away to toss some trash. When Sabine took her leave to follow April, Mai didn’t comment. It was over. The Titanic was going down. A fucking shame - they could have been powerful. Danny's enthusiastic arm slapping brought Mai back to reality. [color=97aaad]“You think? I dunno, Beanie don’t fuck with being called out like that…”[/color] she muttered in a rare moment of sincerity before slipping back into things as Danny pushed her towards the dunk tank. He was right - what the fuck was she on about when her prey, her arch-nemesis even, was right there? [i]Defenseless.[/i] Does the tiger concern herself with her sisters while the boar sits unaware, begging to be pounced upon? As she was pushed forward, the attendant dropped a ball in her hand. She weighed the ball for a moment, getting used to the feel before her eyes flashed up towards the target of her irrational ire. She moved to the designated spot, tossed the ball once into the air before settling into a stance. She wound up, fingers digging into the ball, before channeling her inner Eri Yoshida, her arm whipping around her side and releasing a knuckleball so beautiful that twenty-six hundred miles away, in a house in Satellite Beach, Florida, one Mr. Timothy Wakefield would be sitting in his study when a single, warm tear would fall from his eyes and he would know. He would know in his heart of hearts that the world had just been blessed with one more natural-born knuckler. The ball sailed high, seeming as if it might miss the target completely, but as it approached, it harshly broke at the last moment, diving down and striking the target true. Dead center. Before anyone had a chance to register it, Coulson was once more plunging toward the murky depths. It took a moment to register with Mai what she had just done, but when it had, she had thrown her arms into the air, tossing away her pent-up animosity and was just about to unleash a victory screech when Danni beat her to it, his scream more of fear than celebration. Mai didn’t hesitate, spinning on her heels and bounding towards Danny as quick as her little legs would allow. [color=97aaad]“What’s wrong, Danny-bebe?”[/color] she asked, first scanning him to look for injury, then scanning their surroundings looking for an ass to kick. A false alarm, it would seem, as Danny wasted no time in locking his arm with hers then dragging her off on yet another adventure. She relented, her aforementioned little legs pounding away at the ground to keep up so as to not be literally dragged behind Danny in his excitement. She didn’t even have time to tease Beanie and April before they were gone. And that was the story of how one Phan Le Chi Mai was kidnapped on her very first day of her Junior year of high school. As they ran off towards Agatha’s tent, Chi Mai wondered if she might receive her very own Amber Alert. If Aggie turned her into a frog, she was going to be pissed. There was a certain level of stoned that Mai had to reach before she was comfortable heading into creepy spooky land and she just wasn’t there yet. No where close. If Aggie turned her into a frog, she would piss on Danny. Give the fucker some warts outta spite or something, or whatever frogs do. [hr] [center][h3][b][color=de641d]Teddy Thompson[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/IQ9KefLJHfJPq/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zmucl65wvm0lqsnrw3vjxrpujakf2rpf39nxjwe6&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=de641d]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Hall - Dorm Room > Stark Hall - Stairwell [b][color=de641d]Skills:[/color][/b] None Used! [hr][hr][/center] As the door to the dorm room opened again, a dejected Teddy moved inside. He was clean now, having freshly showered and switched to a plain black t-shirt with a pair of jeans, but…he had almost lost it. In the bathroom. He had panicked when he saw the fur and it took everything he could muster to hold himself together. If [i]it[/i] was going to happen, he’d rather it not be during a carnival. The last thing he needed was for people to think there was a goddamn petting zoo going on too. Teddy approached his dresser, opening it to remove a long-sleeved black and red flannel shirt that he quickly slid on. Would he look silly dressed like that in this weather? Probably. But what other choice did he have? He knew he obsessed over it too much, it wasn’t anything he could change so why let it control him? His eyes floated to the open book on his desk. He was aware that there were others who were far worse off than he, who had no means of getting even a little respite, but…that knowledge hadn’t made it any easier to live with his situation. Dr. McCoy’s book warned against resenting other mutants who were more human-passing, and damn it he tried - he really did - but…he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t just a little jealous. Teddy moved to his window, watching the people move from attraction to attraction below like ants, setting his jaw as he tried to steady his breathing. He was getting too worked up and desperately needed to calm himself. Used to be he could just go to Jimmy who’d help him find perspective or Dorothy who’d kick him out of his funk. For the first time, it really hit home how much he really missed his upperclassmen. Since their graduation, he didn’t really have too many friends left at the school. Diana, sure, but it wouldn’t be fair to her for him to just latch onto her because everyone else was gone. Mai was well…Mai. And Leah wasn’t exactly the talky-feely type. There was Altman, if he counted. Teddy shook his head. He couldn’t talk to Altman. Not about real things. Altman treated him like an equal. The thought of looking weak in front of Hulkling, of having him look down upon Teddy, well it churned the guy's stomach. Speaking of which, a rumbling growl rose up from Teddy’s tummy, pulling him from his thoughts. He had forgotten that he was hungry. Again. He shook his head, turning away from the window, noticing that the burning feeling in his arms and legs had passed. He no longer felt like he was about to burst into flames. Thankfully, the moment was over. He left his room, heading for the elevator before popping back in to retrieve his hat and make sure the door was properly closed and locked. Once done, he made his way to the elevator just as the doors were sliding closed. He moved to stop the doors, but the panicked expressions of the people onboard caused him to halt, allowing the doors to shut completely as the car descended. Teddy stood in silence for a moment, a bit embarrassed, before making his way to the stairs. Peering over the edge of the railing and dreading the descent, Teddy sighed. He hated stairs.