[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230221/9425a2f04a6eed224c62a07273dc1242.png[/img][/center] [sub]Cunningham Bookstore Interactions: [@scrawls] [@PerfectThought][/sub] [hr] Kaito nodded in agreement when the female in front of him said moving day made her nervous. He understood, his family had to move into bigger and bigger homes through the years to accommodate the number of them, though eventually her parents finally managed to save enough to buy their own place and add additions to it through the years so it had been a while since Kaito had done any sort of moving. He let out a chuckle when she said his wings looked “fly”. [color=8dc73f]“No no, not offensive at all. Thank you, people usually just yell at me for flying too close to their homes or businesses so the compliment is appreciated.”[/color] Kaito chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He supposed people around town had seen him and his family enough that the beauty of their feathers no longer seemed to matter. He would occasionally get a compliment from a small child but the adults were generally unfazed unless they were from out of town. His attention was quickly brought to the paper crane that started to flutter around him eventually trying to land on his shoulder. He was decently distracted by the creation that when Bonnie asked him a question it took him a moment to register what she said. [color=8dc73f]“Oh yes! Kaito Aster. Sorry I intended on moving my stuff in later since I live in town.”[/color] He reached his hand out for Bonnie to shake with a big smile to accompany it, not bothering to explain why he was moving into one of her rooms if he already lived in town. [color=8dc73f]“I don’t have anything cool to offer like big statues but if you ever need something from a high spot I am your guy.”[/color] He chuckled a little, clearly amused with himself at least. [color=8dc73f]“Anyway, super excited to get settled in here as well.”[/color] His big dumb grin had not left his face since he had entered the shop and he saw no way in the near future that it would stop, unless his face started to hurt he supposed, but that usually took a while.