[color=silver][center][h2][color=#595555]πΉπ‘’π“π“π“Œπ’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”[/color][/h2] __________________________________________________[/center] Seeing her friends worry made Fellwing's plight worse. Desperately, she tried to stand tall and uncurl her tail as Stargaze approached, torn between wanting to hide and try to seem fine. She'd always been the one to run off alone and refuse help whenever it was offered, claiming she could do things on her own - so to be reduced to a shrivelling mess was frustrating. She didn't want to inconvenience anyone, and yet that was all she was doing right now. To [i]Stargaze[/i] of all drakes, who should have been more worried about Echo and the island! [color=#595555]"No, Stargaze, I... you don't have to worry about me, as long as I stay within this cave, I should be safe even when alone."[/color] Kyte had been, after all. Surely the Darkness - nor those who served it - could not find their way here.[color=#595555] "T-thank you, you're kind, but you'll do better without m-"[/color] Skobeloff's sudden voice cut her off as he approached, offering his own reassurances. Oh no, now she'd worried two of them. He mentioned a thought exercise, and Fellwing had to focus hard to remember what he meant. Of late, her head had been so full of visions from the future, that it was hard to remember the past. But that was precisely the thought experiment Skobeloff talked about; learning not from the future, but from the past. From those older and wiser. Fellwing tried to remember what Shadestepper, an older drake from the same house but a different clutch, had told her about the Darkness. He wasn't a pleasant drake, and to many, he was way too devoted to the old ways of House Ruby. He'd always said drakes of other houses, with their feeble minds and eyes that were so accustomed to the light of the moons, would be forgiven for shuddering when faced with true Darkness. But not a Kebros. It was their duty to see, even when they didn't want to. Darkness wasn't to be feared, but to be wielded. They were to control it. Fellwing didn't share his disdain for the other houses, but she did acknowledge her duty as a member of House Ruby. If anyone should be able to stare at Darkness and prevail, it was [i]her.[/i] She inhaled, sharply. The fear wasn't [i]gone[/i], she still felt it drum against her chest, but she could endure it. She had to. [color=#595555]"I... thank you, Stargaze, Skobeloff. I'm sorry. I'll come with you. The cave air must be getting to me, I'm sure fresh air helps clear my mind. Let-- let us hurry. The drakes have awaited rescue long enough. Come, I'll show you the way!"[/color] [hider=ooc] Convinced by Skobeloff, Fellwing looks to another clutch's example, and with a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24846]10[/url], clears a Shadow.[/hider] [/color]