[color=6ecff6][CENTER][h2][u]Grace[/u][/h2][/CENTER][/color] Grace watched as Abberline reacted to the sudden music. However, she grew more antsy and worried when she saw that Misty completed the spell and enchanted the toy compass. [i]Abberline shouldn’t have it…![/i] Grace darted down to the compass and looked up to see Kendra entering with… [I]What was that monstrosity by her side?! Was that Mitra?![/I] She shook her head to shake off the horror and surprise she felt. As soon as Abberline’s attention was on the both of them, she manifested so that she could touch and be heard. Once again, she remained invisible in this manifestation. She picked up the enchanted toy compass causing it to appear as though it was floating in the air by itself. It floated up until it was at Grace’s height before remaining there for a moment. She gave a quick whistle to Mitra before throwing the compass to him and quickly dropping the manifestation before Abberline tries to fire at her. The compass is thrown overhand, so it flies in an upward arc towards the ceiling at first before hopefully falling into Mitra’s talons.