[hider=Bobignon] [center][h2][u] [color=00e600]Yvain[/color] de [color=00e600]Berbignon[/color] [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/S9pqhzF.png[/img][/center] [b][center] “My home forever, you have shaped me strong and true” [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 18 | Male | Perrench | Noble | 8.50 [/b] [/h3][/center] [color=00e600][h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3][/color] [indent] ❖ [ Steadfast ] ❖ [ Egocentric ] ❖ [ Charismatic ] ❖ [ Judgemental ] ❖ [ Trustworthiness ] ❖ [ Unforgiving ] ❖ [ Fairness ] ❖ [ Inflexibility ] ❖ [ Loyal ] ❖ [ Closed-minded ][/indent] A high noble from head to toe. Yvain values the nobilitas he was born with, however he does feel a desire to prove that he truly is worthy of said privilege, be it through his words or through his actions. When it comes to diplomatic matters he tends to use his gift to it's fullest extent to the point he might start coming over as flirtatious. He however disdains using it on people that are truly committed to their partner, feeling that it would be an unforgivable sin. Not even requests from his father, the Duc de Berbignon will be accepted on this matter. [color=00e600][h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3][/color] Standing at an impressive six feet, Yvain has no qualms of his height. His Blonde hair, blue eyes and wearing the ruby that was said to be a gift of Benedict the Blessed to his son. have gotten his family to see him as the new Benedict. To subvert this however, Yvain has chosen to wear more darker colored clothing. [color=00e600][h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3][/color] Being a product of two truly prestigious bloodlines, Yvain got nothing but the best tutors from around the lands. Giving the boy a perfect fluency in Perrench and Avincian, Revidian and Enthish were taught to the boy from a young age to prepare him for the coming political discourse he will be a part of. Out of intrigue and curiosity of the eastern people's cultures Yvain picked up Thalak, Budesrnish and Warlish so that he may send himself on diplomatic missions to these nations. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Blueblood, Rosebud ❖ [color=1E90FF]Kinetic[/color] - Journeyman ❖ [color=FF8C00]Arcane[/color] - Adept ❖ [color=00FF00]Atomic[/color] - Adept As a person of high standing in both class and capacity, Yvain's usage of magic is as sophisticated as he is. Having mastery of the telekinesis element of Kinetic magic to the point he uses it in his way of life without much thought. These points however is not to say that he would not enjoy abusing his power from time to time just to prove a point, getting quite the kicks from seeing his opponent's face as he forces them to the ground with the use of gravity He prefers not to use Atomic and Arcane as much as he likes using Kinetic, feeling he still is too clumsy with both schools. But when he is pushed to use either of two he could not care less what kind of collateral his magic could cause, you could say that the gloves will be off, figuratively. [color=00e600][h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3][/color] Being the child of Duc Jacques de Berbignon and Margaret de Perrence-Beauneux gave the boy quite a lot of privileges growing up. Always getting the best tutors for Language, sword fighting, etiquette and magic among others. He got all that was needed for the heir of a great ducal house. His relationship with his siblings have been quite strained ever since he could remember, being the golden child distanced him from them. Soon enough being proclaimed as heir apparent during his younger years when it was clear that the others would not grow as far as him. Ever since then Yvain has had to deal with a pit of vipers, trying to use his naivety for their own personal gain. In truth the boy had a mixed feeling about these vile people, at first there was disdain. Feeling pure disgust for the minor nobility wishing to use a child for borrowed prestige. And then there grew another feeling in his later youth, pity. Yvain has always envied the main branch as no matter how worthy they truly are for the position, they will inherit the throne while he will never be looked at as a successor. This envy has caused him to have quite the dislike for Arcel de Perrence, whom he deems to as sorely to meek to lead Perrence. Coming to Ersand'Enise has been a refreshing time for Yvain, having been away from the viper's pit back home gave him plenty time to think. [color=00e600][h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3][/color] The young lad came to Ersand'Enise to mingle with the high society of other nations, building up his personal influence past his family's so that one day he might be chosen the rightful adviser of the Perrench crown. Although his family wished for him to marry a woman from the Herbeumont family, the candidate however was too meek for his standards. Ersand'Enise is a prime opportunity for him in this sense. The main fear of Yvain is of ending up as a puppet instead of the puppeteer. The feeling in the back of his head that eats away at him is the fact his family would have the gall to use him as a tool to further their ends. He is the useful one, he should be the one to profit the most. Another person he would love to find is a worthwhile rival to match his skill in dueling, giving him further drive to better his skills. [color=00e600][h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3][/color] Vailant Noir: A shield made from the scales of the Gehenna from the times of the Eskandr invasion of his home. Cufflinks with the crest of the Berbignon imbued on them. [color=00e600][h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3][/color] [indent]❖ Know-how around courts A given for a noble of his caliber. Yvain has been taught how to deal with courts ever since he can remember, giving him the gift of feeling natural in a court of nobles. ❖ Trustworthy Yvain is not a man that will easily back down from his words and if made a friend will be a very loyal companion towards those he trusts. ❖ Great Fencer/Duelist The Perrenchman has loved sword fighting ever since a young age, taking it up as a hobby and being quite known for his swordsmanship in the Perrench courts. ❖ Great memory Yvain has a great memory, he will not forget a favor he gave someone even well past a few years time. His ability to remember faces upon a single instance is something he has found to be quite useful within the ambitious viper's pit he usually resides in. [/indent] [color=00e600][h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3][/color] [indent]❖ Might makes Right Yvain is a believer of the philosophy that the strong should lead and the weak should follow. This believe set is somewhat twisted in the sense that he feels only the nobility deserves to be strong, causing him to have disdain for any strong commoners. ❖ cruel Although he is not the sort to truly get violent if listened to. However, if he is pushed over the edge he will show no concern for the pain he might inflict on the target of his anger. ❖ Stubborn Some may come to find it difficult to change his perspective on things once Yvain has made up his mind on a subject ❖ Petty Although he is a man nurtured around the ideas of fairness he can not help himself from being rather petty from time to time. [/indent] [color=00e600][h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3][/color] ❖ He has a soft spot for cute animals ❖ He has a pet dog named Perceval ❖ He secretly has an incredible intrigue for regions outside of Constantia. He will however never admit to it. Green hex code:[color=00e600]00e600 [/color] [/hider]