Ah. So that's what Tillie was doing here. Volunteered-slash-assigned to be Quinn's technician. Not a bad idea, and the more she thought about it, the more she warmed up to it. Though she could do without the container of ichor in front of her, it was hard to understand [i]Ablaze[/i] sometimes, and a modiologist would be a big help, she hoped. ...Not to mention, Quinn was starting to get lonely. It'd be nice to have someone to talk to when Deelie and Besca were busy. "[color=ffe63d]No, no no, don't worry about it.[/color]" She tried her best to make her tremulous smile warmer as best she could, to be met with...debatable success. "[color=ffe63d]I'm not...[i]upset[/i] with you or anything.[/color]" She sucked in a long, deep breath as she kept up calming herself down. "[color=ffe63d]And I don't really think there's anything wrong. I'm just...stressed, is all, so I just want to make sure everything is okay. Being a pilot is...[/color]" she hesitated. "[color=ffe63d]Well, it's nerve-wracking a lot. So I'm, um, sorry if I sound mad or anything.[/color]" A moment passed and she pitched her head slightly downward. "[color=ffe63d]'Course, I might not be the best to talk about it. I'm still new at this.[/color]" Another delay. She picked her words carefully, a little like she was talking to Roaki. There was an instinctive understanding in her that whatever she said was going to be picked apart and dissected to its finest pieces by Tillie just the same way. "[color=ffe63d]What I'm trying to say is—[/color]" her smile grew warmer, but also somehow sadder as well. "[color=ffe63d]—I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm tired. I'm glad you're here.[/color]" A sudden idea popped into her brain, followed by a soft "[color=ffe63d]oh![/color]" as she peered between the Savior's massive legs to spot the platform that was indeed there. She cleared her throat, feeling intensely self-conscious as she awkwardly waved towards it. "[color=ffe63d]I was about to go check the cockpit to make sure everything is okay.[/color]" Pause, and she started slowly walking towards around the side of the Savior to the lift while she spoke over her shoulder, "[color=ffe63d]You can come if you want.[/color]"