[quote=@MegaMatt ZX] I noticed your comment, feedback, and concerns, but what I had in mind was definitely more of a World building and multiple perspectives story that all the stories intertwined into one. The story covers the events shortly after the events of Revenge of the Sith, for the most part, while starting around the last two months of the Clone Wars, which would be during the movie itself. The story covers at least ten years before the events of new hope, as we are actually going to see a lot of Palpatine's rise to power through the perspectives of either Jedi survivors. These clones would eventually be discarded crime syndicates, like the Hutt Cartel and the Black Sun syndicate. Despite this, we're going to get into a lot of detail with this, and the storytelling has a huge interactive side. This will also be set specifically in the Star Wars universe during the first ten years of the Galactic Empire. As for why there are so many characters available to be created, I don't want plot armor for any characters, so I don't think it would be wise for me to lower the limit of characters when there's a risk of them being killed off. Certain decisions (Like fighting Darth Vader or Palpatine) are suicide, meaning the character choosing to face either of them directly's death is guaranteed, For both plot and lore reasons. What would you suggest I do regarding all of this in the future? What necessary steps should I take? [/quote] I definitely think you should narrow down the focus, for starters. While you do have a main plot point (that being Palpatine's rise to power and the fallout resulting from the Jedi Purge/Order 66), you have so many cards out on the table in the form of numerous characters and character archetypes I feel it'll be difficult to centralize all the storylines into one smooth-flowing RP. Not to add that it sounds like you're wanting more of a Nation or PW-style RP as opposed to a standard freeform roleplay giving the sheer number of character slots open for people to play. With the character availability you have as of now, it does feel like you're preparing for characters dying en masse despite being spread out over the course of ten years. I know you mention that you don't want characters to have plot armor, but you can have characters die or be written off without needing to state that there are dozen potential playable character slots for each archetype. Otherwise, I feel it will just overwhelm people at the thought of potentially writing such a hefty number of characters, especially in a small-group Advanced setting. It's why I mentioned Free (I suppose Casual works, too) and a larger group, so that people don't feel stressed with having to write so many characters in order to advance the RP. Free or more likely Casual will lessen the RP writing workload, and having a larger group allows for more active characters to fill in that "multi-story, character-filled" feeling I feel you're looking for without dumping it all on a few players. I hope that kind of explains my end of things. I can be awful at trying to get my point across at times.