[center][abbr=Ace Cadet][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][/abbr] [color=salmon]Word Count: 712 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 177/90 [b]Location:[/b] Edinburgh MagicaPolis[/color][/center] They fled the Noumenon. They didn't really have another choice, so after running through the ground floor and taking a custom escape route courtesy of Wonder Red and Big Band they avoided the police waiting at the massive library's exits and were back on the streets. With his focus purely on his allies' backs in front of him, the Ace Cadet didn't worry about getting lost or separated during the dizzying escape. By the time they slowed down in a rundown side street they should have lost most of their pursuers, but the most dangerous among them would still be on the Seekers' trail. Before they could be led right to the hideout, Band suggested they deal with Irons' officers. They'd have to do it at some point, so why not here? The Cadet was completely on board with Big Band's notion to take care of things here and now. [color=salmon]"I was getting tired of all the running we were doing today anyway,"[/color] he said. [color=salmon]"And my arms are practically burning to snow these Kecha-wackos the true meaning of Justice!"[/color] So in they went, the derelict remains of some shop their chosen battleground. There was hardly enough time to take cover in order not to be siting ducks before Irons' men burst onto the scene. The Cadet sized them up. To the average person, they'd probably be pretty intimidating. 'Heat signatures' were mentioned. It was simple enough to figure out what the robot copper meant when he was making a beeline towards the Seekers' hiding places. That was fine - they weren't trying to fool the trio anyway. Being realistic, it was always going to come to blows. The Ace Cadet was, as ever, confident in his team - which now included Albedo and Frisk. He only hoped the scuffle with Artemis and then the run through the city hadn't worn on their stamina too much. As for himself, he had only a few seconds to pick the best tool for the job. With the ship rigging packed away for now he wouldn't be trading bullets for bullets unless he decided to mess about with the gun he picked up from Alcamoth. While the bow had been useful versus Artemis, its effectiveness would be more limited here. A trusty blade would do the trick. He didn't let Byte or Barq come all the way to them. The first to burst out and go on the attack, the Cadet's long sword flashed out of its sheathe and straight towards the colorful metal man. The Cadet had gone with the Nightsky Ripper as his weapon of choice for its mid-to-short range and high offensive capabilities. How nice it would have been to cleave right through the ball joint holding Byte's top and bottom halves together, but the Cadet's attack didn't even connect - the robo-police hound intercepted the blade. Sporting a new gash in its metal casing, Barq spun away with a tinny howl. It left the Cadet and Byte face to face, with Stryker soon to close in. "Halt! You're under arrest!" the metal policeman said, raising his dukes. [color=salmon]"Huh, wouldn't 'freeze' work better?"[/color] [i]Whoosh. Whoosh. Bam.[/i] The springs that Byte had for arms weren't just for show. He threw a quick punch, one that the Cadet easily side-stepped, but the follow up punch went wide and curved into the hunter's side. Just as quickly as he'd thrown the punches, Byte retracted his ARMS and resumed his fighting stance, backing up to give himself some room to really stretch. Given that the Cadet's main exposure to robots so far had been Blazermate, Poppi, and a handful of others it didn't exactly come as a surprise that Byte was some type of spry fighter. It would make him a pain to deal with though. On his right fist was a big, dark, bulky boxing glove, while on the left was a ribbed yellow and black... thing. Whatever it was, it must do something besides act as a bludgeon since it briefly crackled with electricity. The second volley of punches came. The Cadet wasn't caught unawares by the curving arms this time. He deflected the bubb arm with his blade and parried the seekie, retaliating with the Critical Juncture counterattack. Steel was meeting steel in an unorthodox exchange.