Hearing the loud crash outside, Ruli decides between grabbing his bow or dagger, but because it sounded so close he grabs his dagger instead, in case he needs it. Opening the door slowly, not to make a noise, he peaks his head outside and looks around, head wandering slowly but his eyes moving fast as he scopes things out. Proceeding to walk out the door while his hand gently rests on the handle of his dagger, he looks around his home, and notices a Cucco going nuts over a barrel and slowly begins to investigate as it did sounds as if this was the area he heard the noise. Walking up to the barrel he spots someone inside looking like they just had just lost the war with gravity. Not feeling quite an intense urge of needing to fear this person but more mystified in how they got in this situation, "Do I dare ask what, how, and why you ended up in this mess?" he asks, with a slight chuckle that he tries to hide, still rather amused, he does offer assistance. "Would you like some help?" he asks as Ruli doesn't feel this person to be a threat at the current moment, or at least, until they manage to get out of the barrel, then he'll reassess.