Boy was Dean familiar with that look the woman was giving him. Oh right, it was the same kind of look some of his family would give him. this was already going to be fun. Staying in the doorway, noting the use of Rat's nickname for him and the request about finding people. [b][color=8dc73f]"Depends who you are looking for."[/color][/b] There was a pause when two and two were put together as to who present company meant by his "girl". Spirits he was so damn close to falling over and laughing again. A mental note was made to potentially tell Alex about that tidbit. Definitely telling everyone else though. [b][color=8dc73f]"No no, just give them a second."[/color][/b] Dean turned his head inside. [b][color=8dc73f]"HEY AEGIS! MAKE YOURSELF PRESENTABLE WE GOT WORK!"[/color][/b] There was a loud banging sound followed by a minute of silence before Alex walked into view in his new bronze armor. Dean suppressed the urge to whistle. Certainty look leagues more professional then his old getup. With the big man all suited up Dean looked back to their "Guest." [b][color=8dc73f]"Sorry, Aegis and I weren't expecting any jobs today after . . . everything that happened yesterday.[/color][/b] Dean moved out of the doorway and motioned the woman to come in. There was a nod shared between the too man before taking up spots in the living room. Dean flopping onto the couch while Aegis kept his helmeted visage squarely on the stranger. [b][color=8dc73f]"So, who went missing?"[/color][/b]