[quote=@Host] *Once the test case passes, my suit blinks with an amber light* I, Data Stream, dare indeed. *As each of your strikes blows holes in my robotic shell, a new aura whips into a frenzy around me, this time infused with the same essence, which catches like fire and spreads to the edges of the spacial distortion pocket dimension* [/quote] Aeron: ...... *a dark chuckle escapes me, which grows into a full on laugh* You finally figured out a way to fight back. I'm so proud of you. Too bad you're far too late. We're playing 4D Chess with our hands tied behind our backs... *the anti-amaranthine countermeasure seems susspended in time, and I use local energy within amaranthine reach, and encapsulates each particle, transporting it in an instant to another dimension before releasing* And I'm the Grandmaster. *My body emits a blase so hot that it instantly turns any matter it touches into molten magma or plasma. I teleport to your side, and grab you by the face, unleashing 50,000,000° energy directly into you*