Aura was about to inform the others of the injury Jormund had sustained while she had been watching. She couldn't help but chucked at Cascade's quip just before Aura retured to her own senses, sure that Flicker had seen the interaction as well. Hawk remained at his heightened elevetion, Aura not wanting to get the bird caught up in the battle. It was fine and dandy to use him for recon but the time and materials it took to summon him back was too much to handle in the heat of a battle. She would rather keep him around to spot other potential threats. Muttering to herself, [color=bc8dbf]"Does steam count as air?" [/color]she raised her hand can cursed the being that had just assulted Jormund. Before fireing off and Eldritch blast in it's direction, with a force the others had not seen from here in while. [color=bc8dbf]"Bold move showing your ugly face now after hiding behind your fodder all night."[/color] She yelled as the spell impacted and the curse she had placed earlier seemed to ripple across the creature's body. [hr] Aura used her bonus action to cast Hex on Yosef, and then cast Eldritch blast at him for a [url=]spicy nartural 20+5 to hit (25)[/url] double all rolled damage dice (I beleive this includes the Hex Dice) [url=]only 10 force damage [/url] 8+2 (gotta love when you roll crappy on a crit) As well as [url=]10 Necrotic damage[/url] 5+5 (Better) Yosef also has [color=ed1c24]disadvantage[/color] on all [color=f7976a]strength based ability checks[/color] until Aura drops concentration on Hex.