[h3]Mella[/h3] [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] "I'll send you an invoice for saving your arm later." Mella confidently stated with her usual neutral expression. Now the only thing was to get away before the bird did anything like give any sign that she knew exactly what was going on or that the bird somehow decided to stay with her. She felt a set of bird feet perch on her head. "Shoo, bird." She'd say, making an attempt at waving the bird off. She had no desire to get caught up with any holy creature unless said holy creature was worth the entirety of the country in its net worth that she could sell or profit from. More importantly though, was the little kitten that had accepted its fate, it seemed. She'd relax her grip on it just slightly, adjusting so she could hold it a little better and more comfortably with it resting on her shoulder instead of being firmly pressed against her. "More importantly...for helping you catch these runaway animals, I believe fair compensation is in order, sir?"