[CENTER][Img]http://img.karaoke-lyrics.net/img/artists/32209/candice-accola-213145.jpg[/Img] BLAKE STONE 24|BOTANIST AND MED STUDENT|WEAPON OF PREFERENCE KNIVES Blake is a very bright and caring student who loves to learn and is an optimist. Her father was in the military, and he taught her how to defend herself and how to shoot a gun, however, she knows that ammo is limited and has very limited herself, so she uses her.twin butterfly knives and a machete she found mainly. She also carries a 9mm pistol her father gave her as a gift. She has a deep knowledge of plants and kept some books on medicine to refer back to, though she was juststarting medical school when the world went to shit, she knows a lot of how to treat injuries and sicknesses with limited supplies.[/CENTER]