The elf stopped, the dust had settled for God knows how many times already in this ransacked room, and it revealed the enraged northlander, alive and approaching them in desperate gait. As someone who studied practical magic, Jazdia wondered about the cost that man had to pay to be able just to stand right now, and how long it would be able to keep him together if left alone. She decided to not find out, the black bow was drawn, and the arrowhead was now programmed and filled by its explosive magic. However, as soon as she aimed for his center mass, the Berserker's movement suddenly became erratic. A quick observation told her that Kaito was behind all of that cruel yet whimsical prank; a tubular conjuration now encasing Ragnar's head, and despite the heavy doping spell, the illusion was apparently perceived so real Ragnar instinctively had his voice muffled as well. Should she feel bad for it? Her bow had been relieved from its temporal tension, and the glowing arrow on Ragnar's chest said she didn't really care. What she did care about was when the pale lady positioned herself near the rampaging brute, anticipating his movement and preparing herself for what she predicted would be a series of heavy melee slashes. [color=ec008c]"Get away from him!" [/color]Jazdia shouted.