Giriel folds her hands serenely and doesn't stop walking, forcing them to keep up or teleport to stay near her if they really want to be that extravagant. "Oh, her? You just missed her. She's in the hands of Heaven at the moment." That's Heaven with a capital H and any witch worth her salt would hear Giriel say it that way. "You can try to interfere with them of course, in fact I'm gathering these N'yari to do much the same since one of them was taken in the process." Giriel does not point out that they are technically in the hands, or guts, of an earth spirit and the little clerk is racing after them, but she feels entirely confident that at least one Heavenly spirit is in on the matter, so she's not lying here. "Of course, now that I know that a Witch and a Warlock are interested, maybe I should suggest that the N'yari kidnap you two instead." Giri chuckles because she's not really serious, right? Unless she is. "Really, I think Hell's already taken too much of an interest in this kingdom, don't you?" She looks at the Warlock directly. "Thinking you can get one up on demons is how you get your soul flayed into a hundred pieces. Try not to take Kalaya with you when it happens?"