[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] When Polina returned to her cabin, she quickly stripped off and took a warm, but quick shower. She needed those quick few moments of relaxation, especially after a fight like that. Well, she didn’t [i]need[/i] it, but it felt entirely inappropriate to enter the kitchen feeling grimy and covered with demon gore, even if she had done her level best to avoid being overly splattered with guts on account of protecting Akantha at the time. She took those few minutes to also reflect on her first high-intensity battle since being in the employ of the Violet Garden. Considering the scale of the demon attack, she idly wondered of its political repercussions and what her [i]other[/i] mistress would think of it all. That was out of her pay grade, though, at least for now. Once she was done, she tossed her soiled uniform into the laundry and fetched a fresh change of clothes before she appeared in the galley where Leoniya was prepping her Stroganoff with some other maids. Making sure her frilled maid’s headdress was properly presentable when she entered, she nodded at Leoniya’s greeting.[b] “Of course not,” [/b]she denied. Polina had promised to help earlier, after all. [b]“Where do you need my help? I’m looking forward to a proper meal, too. It’s Detty’s loss.”[/b]