[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sHW2H8omssY/mqdefault.jpg[/img] [sup][@Bright_Ops][/sup][/center] An eerie silence hung over the vast grasslands that laid beyond the walls of the unlit ghost town, long abandoned after the Purge not but a year prior. The moat before its slowly rusting gates was muddy and polluted, the once magnificent walls now beginning to show signs of disrepair. Castle Town was but a shell of its former glory, the cries of redead filling the moments of quiet between with their shrieks shambling the empty sidewalks and alleyways of the town. Yet another sound broke the eerie stillness of the moonless night, shrill as the cry of an owl the drawbridge to Castle Town creaked and shuddered to life. Slowly descending until the gap between itself and the moat was met, the bridge itself was in a sorry state still held together by the steel braces and iron rivets yet wood that was beginning to warp and become mossy around the edges. In the darkness over Hyrule Field, the only light that broke through the inky shadows of the night were the dim glow coming beyond a hill leading to the ranch amidst the grassland. Bridge groaning beneath the weight of the hulking executioners feet, his footsteps were followed by the clattering and clanking of several armored stalphos. It was a simple enough task but why the executioner needed to be accompanied by these bags of bones better suited to be used in his smithy the man did not no but he was not one to question Ganondorf's motives lest he forget his place. Grindan was to go to Lon Lon Ranch and see that a new change of hands take place, in whatever way he saw fit.