[center][h1]Cervantes Quixote[/h1][/center] "Very well, Mr. Verdan. If you do require assistance, here's my business card." Cervantes said as he drew out a card from his jacket and placed it on the counter. It seemed formal to print out a variety of cards for his business. That and the school's market was big enough by itself; it would sometimes be hard to pinpoint the exact location of Cervantes's shop. "Take care, Mr. Verdan. I pray that your business booms in the next few days." With that, Cervantes left the shop. Mr. Verdan needed all the help he could get after all. Cervantes closed the door, not that it mattered since the shop was partially destroyed, and began to walk down the street. "Whew, what a day." Wiping his brow of sweat, Cervantes tried to calculate his next move. It might take a little while for Jacob Verdan to open his shop again. From taking account of the missing animals, the cost of repairs, and the amount of time that it required to do them, it would take a week or two for Jacob Verdan to open his shop again. "What a shame. I was looking to buy a creature for myself." The merchant wasn't a fan of pets, but he didn't dislike them either. The responsibility of taking care of another organism felt too heavy for him to bare in the other world, so Cervantes avoided adopting one. Now, the circumstances were different. Cervantes needed protection. The market clearly wasn't safe from what Cervantes had seen earlier, not to mention the unknowable fate of his future. If he were to overcome it, he'd need to be as prepared as possible. 'Though was Jacob Verdan in the game?' Cervantes thought to himself. He had a lot of game knowledge when it came to Cross Heart Academy. Jacob Verdan must have played some sort of crucial role in the game, considering he was the pet vendor. If Cervantes remembered correctly, there was also a route that played similarly to Pokemon. He had watched a few speedruns before but didn't retain much since the content was rather lackluster in the merchant's eyes. A frown graced Cervante's face, but he pressed on. Jacob Verdan was most likely an important NPC regardless, in comparison to Cervantes, who went nameless in the game. His eyes darted to a few familiar figures. Reginald, the maid, and a few others. They seemed to be doing their own thing, and Cervantes had his own thing to do. Heading straight to his shop, Cervantes wanted to write up that help request for the bulletin board. The market was probably going to be slow during the day, thanks to the market, which meant that Cervantes didn't have much to do.