[@Blesses Blight] He hadn’t really noticed the slight bit of blush as he was trying to rush in and out in a hurry, hoping she would not leave. But he had the slightest feeling he may have made her uncomfortable and so he apologized profusely. After he took his swig he wanted to offer her some. So he just opened the front of his coat, revealing fresh punctures down his chest and stomach and pulled from an inner pocket a larger stash of alcohol. “It would be rude of me not to share. And I assure you there’s no blood on these, they’re safe in the pockets.” He sensed some discomfort, or maybe indignity at the thought of her thinking herself a thief. But he wasn’t one to care about such things that go largely unnoticed and shrugged it off. He watched her somewhat fold the coat and put it down near the door and he smiled and said. “Well, I’m afraid I’m keeping my spoils.” He grinned from ear to ear. It would take a lot of this stuff to even give him a buzz, even the strongest of it. Sal the looked down at his own coat, realizing how brisk it was. “I’d offer my coat, but…” he unfurled his spiked coat sleeve again. “You know.” And then a thought struck him. “Just a moment.” He felt the need to be a bit more charming and from his uncovered arm he fashioned a light bladed mix of petals atop a stem. It was an ornate lotus that he handed to her. “If you want it anyhow.” He tried to hide the fact that he was very rusty and awkward but it probably shone through anyways, he figured. Then he felt like he wanted to get to know this woman, practically still a stranger, and he asked. “So, where are you from? It occurs to me that most likely none of us are originally from this strange place.” He scratched his head, wishing to know more of its hidden secrets. A brisk wind hits his face and he’s returned to wondering if her thin looking cloak was warmth enough. He decided it may be nice to start a bit of a fire. And scanned around for any loose wood laying around the area. Though he didn’t want to interrupt Gabriela, so he waited patiently, and simply asked. “Are you warm enough?”