"..." Fio wordlessly turned, still gripping the tiny unseelie in her hand. At first she was checking over the mess in the room, looking for anything that would serve suitable for her goal. A jar, a bit of twine, some cloth... Thankfully, all these things didn't seem particularly difficult to find. As much as the Queen's room was completely unkempt, at least it that meant you could find virtually anything you needed in there. What was she even doing with the jar? Regardless, she now had her method of punishment. The unseelie was unceremoniously dumped into the jar. Before she could do much of anything, Fio had already placed the clothe over the opening and secured it with the twine, ensuring that the diminutive fae would have no way of breaking out from the inside. Just as an added measure, she put a small amount of magical power into the cloth, reinforcing it to ensure it couldn't be torn through from within. "And now I've shown you to your room, unseelie," she commented, sitting on the bed and holding the jar in both hands. "Is it comfortable? Do you need some furniture? Maybe I'll consider it if I get an apology." After a few moments, a new question rose in the Sword Witch's mind. "... Just what are you doing here in the first place, unseelie?" [@Rune_Alchemist]