[@Duckie] no problem! I was concerned about overlap because of the orbs you had mentioned, not really them being sand, so I could have written that better. Your ideas seem interesting, but also a little all over the place. That's okay when brainstorming, but depending on the implementation it might not give other writers a chance to do much. When I think of a support role, I imagine perhaps magic that strengthens others or maybe healing magic. You're describing offensive magic with a few other different ideas thrown in. I think you could go either way, but it would be helpful to narrow down your idea for your character. Some kind of desert fairy could be a unique approach, or maybe they are a more traditional fairy, depending on what you prefer. I'd probably have to say no to sleep spells for the same reason I said mo to the siren bard, but there's a lot of potential here and we can certainly talk more about it.