[hider=Professor Ironside] [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019042982105710692/1076530093687574548/image0.jpg[/img] [color=lightgray][b]"With nothing but my hands, I tore Mark IV armored tanks in half during the Battle of Cambrai. You are not a threat to me."[/b][/color][/center] [color=lightgray][b]Name: [/b][/color]Arthur Warren [color=lightgray][b]Alias: [/b][/color]Professor Ironside [color=lightgray][b]Age: [/b][/color]41 [color=lightgray][b][u]Power/Skills[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]Indestructible arms [*]Enhanced strength [*]Hand-to-hand combat specialist [/list] [color=lightgray][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/color][list] [*]Bulletproof vest, capable of protecting against most handgun calibers. Hidden under his suit [*]Metal [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.dreamstime.com%2Fb%2Ftextured-vintage-welding-mask-old-beat-up-well-used-welding-mask-pawn-shop-bisbee-az-103881736.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c7d4c6b62e5bd2026dcee4f3b6a7bd38839d92acfc1ad8f08cc7e4f1c0c0a3a3&ipo=images]helmet[/url] styled after an old welding mask. Made of solid steel. [/list] [color=lightgray][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Brave, Soft-Spoken, Thoughtful, Intense, Caring [color=lightgray][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/color] Arthur Warren's story begins with the first World War. He was just another soldier in the ranks of the Allies, deployed to the front in Germany. The Central Powers had gotten their hands on a superweapon of some kind, and used it to beat back the opposition with explosive force. Arthur was injured during an attack, and no one believed he could be saved. Medics took his dying body away and brought it to a medical facility where a scientist used the opportunity to test something on someone who would not be missed. Arthur's entire right arm and most of his left arm were completely blown away, along with a great deal of muscle and flesh across his rib cage, so doctor Winston Gareth replaced his arms with prosthetics. They were constructed with solid titanium, and contained machinery that no other living soul could understand. Whatever indescribable miracle the doctor intended to perform worked, and despite the still alarming wounds, Arthur would live. Arthur woke up with arms made of vaguely iridescent metal, that felt as real as flesh and bone. He did not have the opportunity to thank his savior, however, as the defensive line had been broken. The building was assaulted, and everyone inside evacuated. Doctor Gareth did not survive. After he made a full recovery, Arthur returned to the fight with special orders from his commanding officer, and a new uniform made of steel. The enemy forces witnessed their tanks be torn apart by a man wearing metal armor, ripping their cannons away and using them like sledgehammers to crush the vehicles. The day had been won thanks to their newfound superweapon known as Arthur Warren. After the war ended, Arthur decided he had seen enough of the military, and went on to attend university to eventually receive a PhD in world history. By day, he is a high school professor. By night, he is a superhero that protects the city of steel with fists of unbreakable titanium. [color=lightgray][b]Notes:[/b][/color] Arthur made contact with doctor Gareth's family after the war, and visits them overseas each summer. He visits the man's grave regularly. [/hider]