[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909715047918497815/1037211200871731300/Umbri_banner6.png[/img] [center][color=A4303F][b] | | CHARACTER THEMES | | [/b][/color] [b][url=https://youtu.be/9imCm6CrNZ8]Looking to the Future[/url][/b] [b][url=https://youtu.be/ZUlAytznxn4]Looking to the Past[/url][/b][/center] [hider=Profile] [color=A4303F]✖|| Full Name ||✖[/color] Umbrielle Spencer [color=A4303F]✖|| Aliases ||✖[/color] Marionette [color=A4303F]✖|| Age ||✖[/color] 27 [color=A4303F]✖|| Gender ||✖[/color] Female [color=A4303F]✖|| Nationality ||✖[/color] American [color=A4303F]✖|| Hair ||✖[/color] Black/Hidden under candy coloured wigs. Most common is a hot pink asymmetric bob. [color=A4303F]✖|| Eye color ||✖[/color] Red [color=A4303F]✖|| Body ||✖[/color] Long, lean musculature, covered in body glitter. Floral/snake tattoos on her shins, a sneaky [url=https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/little-fish-outline-icon-seafood-linear-style-sign-mobile-concept-web-design-fishing-simple-line-vector-symbol-logo-110376398.jpg]fish tattoo[/url] on the underside of her right wrist. [color=A4303F]✖|| Height ||✖[/color] 5’7’’ [color=A4303F]✖|| Hometown ||✖[/color] Northbridge / Undercity / Titan’s Fall / Texas / USA [color=A4303F]✖|| "Affiliations" ||✖[/color] JAHANNAM (in debt), Menagerie Tech (in debt) [color=A4303F]✖|| Face Claim ||✖[/color] Original Design [hr][color=A4303F]✖ Personality ✖[/color] [i]{ Reserved | Loyal | Untrusting | Sly | Resolute}[/i] Umbri learned from a young age to not run her mouth. After a certain point, she also learned not just when to talk, but the right things to say to the right people. Not only to survive, but to live a little comfier. She’s worn so many faces and kept such a tight lid on her true feelings it is difficult to say you even know the right Umbri. But at her core, behind the tight-lipped mask, is a fiercely independent survivor. She's someone who trusts no one but herself with her situation, who will tear this world apart out of loyalty to her sister, and, even when her life or integrity is on the line, someone who white-knuckle grips a strong sense of pride and a kind heart. Two things that the world should have ripped from her long ago. [color=A4303F]✖|| Likes ||✖[/color] [color=#00BF00]✔[/color] Liselotte Spencer [color=#00BF00]✔[/color] Dancing [color=#00BF00]✔[/color] Bugs (to eat) [color=#00BF00]✔[/color] Fish (to look at) [color=A4303F]✖|| Dislikes ||✖[/color] [color=#FF0000]✗[/color] Chrome, and in most circumstances, those who have Chrome implants [color=#FF0000]✗[/color] Her Mother [color=#FF0000]✗[/color] Asking for help [color=#FF0000]✗[/color] “Doll” + any other pet names [color=A4303F]✖|| Fears ||✖[/color] ☠ Lockdown/The debt collectors ☠ Liselotte's passing ☠ Losing more organic material ☠ Cyberpsychosis [color=A4303F]✖|| Skills ||✖[/color] [color=#FFBF00]★[/color] Pole dancing [color=#FFBF00]★[/color] Gymnastics [color=#FFBF00]★[/color] Seduction [color=#FFBF00]★[/color] Lying/Acting [color=#FFBF00]★[/color] The power of human will and resolve [color=A4303F]✖|| Background ||✖[/color] Umbri was born and raised in Northbridge, a settlement in the Undercity sheltered from the horrors of the Graves but ravaged by gang warfare. At the precipice of puberty she had a little sister, and a year later, her only parent abandoned them for good – for reasons Umbri is not open to sharing. She raised her sister on her own. Unfortunately… her sister was sick. Really sick. An autoimmune disorder that was going to shut down her organs, one by one. Umbri was a viable donor. Now Umbri does what she must to pay off the gang she borrowed money from for her sister’s hospital bills and the instalments required to keep Menagerie Tech from reclaiming her Chrome heart. [b][color=A4303F]✖ Powers ✖:[/color][/b] [b]|| “POWER” ||[/b] Chrome Enhancement: Adrenaline Shot [u][i] CLASS - RATING [/i][/u] Mover - 1 | Brute - 1 Umbri’s cybernetic heart is equipped with emergency adrenal glands that when opened pump her with an adrenaline rush abnormal of a regular human’s. These controlled spikes heighten her senses, give her a temporary rush of stamina, shut off pain, and push her to the full strength a human is capable of – with a crushing price to her body. [hr][hr][b][u]Color Code[/u][/b]: [color=A4303F]A4303F[/color] [hr][/hider] [hider=Visual][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909715047918497815/1079227087774294108/too_much_fun_1.png[/img] [/center][/hider] [hider=Soundtrack] [hider=Adventure 1][url=https://youtu.be/EONn2gj1ngA]"You're just... perfect."[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/9imCm6CrNZ8]Northbridge - Intro[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/qFfybn_W8Ak]On the tracks of a train headed right for her... she ran.[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/8QpUGCXwOks]The Eyes of the Rogue[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/28w4S2XWJcg]Down to the Wire[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/lexk3hekQTc]That's Lockdown[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/9imCm6CrNZ8?t=135]Northbridge - Outro[/url][/hider] [hider=Adventure 2] [url=https://youtu.be/6MMoKPr3gVw]It's a Fucking Train Heist[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/zjvY07ZxMwk]Tunnel Flip[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/J0x_JK0VfIc]That, Sugar, is GIFT.[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/fQ_WvoXjlFU]Stealing from the Mother of Monsters[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/R0g1B9jjb4Q]He's a Vampire...[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/ZUlAytznxn4]Umbri Memory Suite, I[/url][/hider] [hider=Adventure 3][url=https://youtu.be/6YpgOFS2-3c]Shieldtown[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/eBXF5q52UpE]Big Man vs. Bad Kitty[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/yPorLRejqx8]Dove's Story[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/2PPBne6GGiw]Awakening in an Operation[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/PEP1npqK0X]You Can Do It! / Let Me Go![/url] [/hider] [/hider]