[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil][@Arty Fox] Update has been updated, ladies and gents. The short version: Everyone qualifies for the full effects of a Short Rest. Sundown is happening soon. You all are alone in the Public House. It's getting colder and foggier, so one can't count on darkvision for distance viewing, and this is the first night of the full moon. Not sure if I missed anything, but it's all there in black and white. Per usual, please hit me up in our Discord for questions, dice rolls, or the like, and if I haven't covered something I ought to have, let me know. I might not give you the answer you want, but I'll give you an answer. I guess all I've got for you now is: [center][img]https://y.yarn.co/d286547d-2c9e-4d06-9ea1-c38d03f6586a_text.gif[/img][/center]