[center][h3][color=FF3131]Ashon'amar'loiyang[/color][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/QLcqYBY.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=FF3131]Event:[/colour][/b] Re-Cap [b]|[/b] [b][colour=FF3131]Location:[/colour][/b] Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/udtocEkCr2Q[/youtube][/center] Far too long. Jamboi watched out across the city of Ersand’Enise, as he perched upon the window sill. He has been in this place too long. He has grown sloppy during his time here and people have taken notice. Those who already suspect are given him strange looks he is familiar with. Fugitive glances peeking from the windows and alleyways, the ceaseless whisperings, and the men in dark cloaks following him around every corner. The students here don’t seem the wiser, they think the eyes looking at them are traveller agents, but he knew better. He would have already moved from this place by now, perhaps he would have dared to enter the portal to Tarlon and followed Tyrel. He knows how his kind are treated, he saw it in the girl's eyes when they first met, she also knew, that is why she rejected him so harshly. Then there were those like [b]her[/b], like a ray of sunshine burning brightly. [b]She[/b] came up and straight into his arms and held him there. All he could do at that moment to hold upon her in return, and breathe in her essence. The first time he had felt at peace. The way [b]she[/b] looked up toward him, her soul screaming that [u]she needed him[/u]. Perhaps his kindness at that moment was an unknown cruelty to the girl, but he was selfish and wanted [i]her shining brilliance[/i]. For [b]she[/b] was special in other ways that others could not see, as if it were a whirlwind trapped within a bottle. The future was all but unclear. The sight of [b]her[/b] got his heart racing, as he grew genuinely excited every time [b]she[/b] was close to him. [colour=C0C0C0]“Were you thinking about Penny, again?”[/colour], the yanii beside him gave him a mischievous smile. He returned a goofy expression and a wave as he looked around the room. It appeared to be a classroom of some description. When did he arrive here? Doesn’t matter, it appeared to be one of those boring yanii subjects anyway, maths. Yanii really enjoy their numbers, as the people here seem to disassemble the world around them into figures on a piece of paper. All that effort, that courage, the beauty, the great diversity that is life, boiled down to a numerical value. It has a simplicity to it which betrays the nature of their minds, small. He wasn’t one to fall into that trap though, there are intriguing characters amongst them, and he was starting to grow fond of them. There was a girl called Mar’ci, a boy called Des’mon, yanii’s were proven to be worth his interest. There were his brothers and sisters, even the one named Cal. Attachments are too easily being formed here, encasing him, forming a gilded cage that is erected around him, his vision blinded… He looked up towards the stars. Perhaps we all reside in a cage, together. He stood upon the window sill as he walked along the outside of the building to lay upon the bed on the roof. He should sleep, perhaps Mau’ra will allow him to copy from her Math answer sheet. [hr][center][colour=FF3131][b]Adventures[/b][/colour][/center][hr][hider=Aberration Madness] "Are we reaaaally goin' all this way to see some wanii?" Casii complained. The yasoi were gathered together, confused, as they seemed to have lost the far slower crippled yanii’s they were grouped with. Casii and Isii hooked arms and hands, the former too busy whining to pay any notice. Jamboi followed along with his arm hooked around his gnarled staff, looking confused as he was sure he’d had Penny with him. “They're all gone, Yasii.” Ismette skipped ahead. "We're goin tah see some ships!" Then, Ismette sensed something, her ears twitched and she narrowed her eyes. "Wait a second. There's something just up the other way: east!" "Ships?!?" Casii looked stumped. "Why in six hells we're goin' see some yanii ships? Wait, wha? What you on about, Isii?" Casii was for following Isii's sense. The Yasoi managed to find themselves a black aberration, Casii’s addiction kicked in, and she went in to devour its deliciousness whilst Jamboi siphoned what he could for her benefit. The group started their way back towards the Lighthouse, whilst the last boat just departed and headed south towards Mudville. Ismette had the great idea to hitch a ride, then encouraged them to jump. Casii chickened out at the last moment and, whilst Jamboi made it across to the deck, Isii wasn’t so lucky. She fell shy as she grabbed hold of what she could. Jamboi offered his staff out towards her, though she wasn’t able to grip it, hand sliding, and fell into the water. The yasoi soon using the gift to jump upon the deck. Casii came across an empowered tree vine. "Hey Isii! You ain't supposed to do that." As Casii looked toward her. “Isii all wet like a fish.” Jamboi observed, amused. "Yeah, well, you were supposed to jump!" Isii retorted. Casii reached out to grab wet Isii as Jamboi shook his head, too much time with the yanii making her sloppy. He moved alongside Casii as he pointed towards Isii with his thumb as he whispered low toward her, "Yanii'jexoff". "I haven't lost my yasoi hearing, poca!" Isii snarled. "Sometimes I wish I did", he cleans his ear with his little finger as he makes reference to hearing more than he wished to before settling into his new tower attic. Ismette blinked innocently. "Why?" She tilted her pretty lil' head to the side. They could hear loud banging from the bowels of a nearby ship as they moved to explore it in curiosity. Casii looked towards it, "Y'all wanna be goin' below? Naw, it ain't a bit too crammed in there, ain't it?". "I would not like to venture into the darkness," Ismette agreed, as she reached out with her energy sense, attempting to gain more information. "I would not." She isn't able to figure out much, but there appears to be a living thing down there. Casii turned to glare at Jamboi. "I know you Jambii, yer gonna say sumthin' like we should." He had already started knocking upon the floor with his lucky stick, "What is the worst that could happen?" Right as he lifts the stick away, something pierces the deck as a geyser of yellow slime spurts out of the gap. Casii and Jamboi are covered in it as it stings and itches! Casii is compelled to scratch upon it as Isii blinks at the pair. Casii frowns, lifting her arm up to her face. "What is it, yer thinkin'?", Jamboi attempted to use kinetic energy to flick it off him, like a dog which could came into the home after being out on a rainy day. "That is Yellowbalm," Ismette warns, more or less unhelpful. It begins to leech into their skin. Casii uses chemical magic to turn the outer layer of her skin to be unsavoury. The yellow slime fades away. Both of them are happy that it is gone. Very happy. Almost a little too happy. But such are life's minor victories Jamboi looked toward Isii, smiling bright, "Trust you to know what this sticky, gooey substance is." Ismette blinks. "Why yes," she chirps, "I am very well-learnt." The thumping and bumping continues. Ismette traipses over to the hold door. Casii snorted, "Well, that ain't nuttin' much. What a mild incon-vey-nance." Isii looked back towards them, and pauses before opening it. "Should I?" she wonders aloud. Casii shook her head, "What, you jealous or somethin'? You wanna get all slimed?" Isii makes a pouty face and nods. "Be my guest." Casii says reluctantly. "Go ahead, sounds like a brilliant idea." Jamboi grinned towards her sarcastically. Isii smiles at Jamboi and opens it. She is immediately bowled off of her feet as a colossal eruption of reddish slime pours forth from the hold. Isii is drenched. "So much for being well-learned. Reading a yanii book doesn't make you smart." As he slides his palm across his own face. Casii is prepared and dodges nimbly. Jamboi isn't so quick. While he's not covered, per se, he definitely has some on him, and It begins to leech into their skin. “Ugh!" Ismette screams. "Vile stuff! Get off me!" Casii climbs up the mast just before Isii opens the hatch, perching on the edge as her companions get blasted by slime. "See y'all. Ain't nuttin' in a book teachin' 'bout how to be street smart." Jamboi attempts to fling it off himself again. Casii points her Living Staff towards Isii and tries the same chemical trick to turn her skin foul. "What are you pointing that weapon at me for, you traitor!?" Ismette screams. Jamboi rolled his eyes, "I guess it was my turn to get splattered by Isii". "Why don't you just shut up, you wisecracking jackass!” she snarled. He shakes his head, "Is that any way to treat your brother-cousin-father-son-in-law or whatever your Tarlonese relations are?" she scowled further, "Piss off!", He sighed, "Imagine having to kiss my wife, and she had your face." Then, without words, she flies at him! Jamboi evades the attack, then uses his lucky stick to bonk her upon the head. Isii opens up a portal into the VOID as the stick begins to fade into it but then is rejected violently. The VOID does not appear to want it. Isii stands there, panting and glaring. "Ugh, whatever!" Ismette can feel Casii doing something to her. She's mad, though. Mad at this bully. Mad at Casii for no particular reason. "Hey! What are yer two bickerin' for? Y'all take some lumps in the head with that stuff? Maybe it smellin' po-ta-Hey!" Casii stops as she sees her friends squabbling. "Oh heeeellll no, Isii!" Casii points her staff at Isii and tries to chemically mess with her mind to calm her down. The VOID was never good. Casii to chemically calm Isii. "Well, maybe we don't all have cool greengrowth manas, alright?" Ismette snaps. "Damn, Isii at least try 'n dodge!", "You're welcome for shielding you!" she retorted. "Since you love to get so sticky, take these." Jamboi releases the other slimes upon Isii, causing her to be covered in the green gunk. "Why did it have to be a snooty princess like Tyrel of all people, and not someone real like Penny?" He expressed his annoyance as he recalled his interaction with her. Isii rolled her eyes, "The yr't'shor? Ugh, why is she so lucky?" He looked towards Isii and all he saw was Tyrel. "I am not sure how you can stand smooching that face, Casii". Ismette knew that she wasn't gorgeous. She was just 'easy', and being that way felt... bad. She hugged herself and glared at Ashon. He was handsome, but he was a poca. The purple slime explodes out of the hold now as it splashes upon Casii and Jamboi. As Casii gets a splash of slime on her, unwittingly, the rational mind she had earlier was gone. Now all there was desire. "Yea, Jambii? You get that tight little ass 'ver here. You too, Isii." Casii dropped down trying to grab the closest one for a big ol' smooch, willing or unwilling! Then moved to grab the other as she gives each of them a big kiss, embracing them together. "I be tellin' ya. We need love, not war. We ain't no yaniis, y'all." as she takes a page out of Isii’s book. Jamboi sighed as he accepted the kiss and gives Isii a light embrace too within the hug. Surprisingly. Ismette is... rather surprised. For once, she isn't really feeling all that... loving, but it would be rude to reject them, even the jerkass. She starts to feel guilty. It takes hold of her heart as blue slime squirts up into the air, and spatters her. Casii loves her. How could she have been so mean and have thought such nasty things. Ashon was just... affected by the slime. Ismette begins to cry. Jamboi puts his arms around Isii as she starts to cry and starts to cry with her. The three of them in a big cuddle pile of sadness. The realization sinks in soon after. Casii didn't even register the blue slime hitting her, she only felt guilty. How could she be so jealous of Isii all the time when she went and kiss Jamboi right in front of her! And Ashon really did deserve better than her constant stiff attitude towards him. He only meant well, and was he into her? Casii felt like crying, but she didn't, merely hung her head. "Look I'm sorry 'bout kissin' 'n all. I didn't mean to." Jamboi attempted an apology towards Isii, "I cannot stand how you Tarlonese just... expose yourselves like a field mouse to a hawk, even when your own kin want to hurt you? How you are all in each other's business, causing all that untold hurt and ache. I shouldn't take it out on you, Isii. I am also sorry Casii, I should have moved out sooner and given you your space.” Ismette just cried softly for a bit, Hugged them both, and then... the orange slime appeared. Ismette gets heavily splattered with orange slime. She jumps to her feet and wipes the tears from her eyes. "You know what, suunei, oilan? Sometimes one just needs a good cry!" Suddenly, she is rather chipper. Her eyes fix upon the shore. "We have an adventure to go on! YYYAAAAAASSS!" Casii nodded vigorously. "Yeeeeewwiiiiiiii! That's my gurl, let's gettin' movin'." Jamboi who didn’t get affected and still rather sad, "We could go to the Border Wood, I suppose... lots of trees." The yasoi set off, leaping easily onto the island. Chock-full of enthusiasm, they swam across the small channel, cleaning off in the process. They made landfall in Mudville where they raided the Crying Lion Tavern and started a bar brawl. Next episode of Knife-Ear Adventures: Tavern brawl. [/hider] [hider=Qarii'una'letsoi] Casii swished a fresh jamp’ysp in her mouth tasting the bitter sour of the juices the nut provided. It brought her to her usual stewed state. The recovering ground of Ersand’Enise blurred and swayed in her vision. The ground seemed to move and stretch everything around the yasoi to far lengths away so she could be just on her own for a moment. It was bliss. Far and away from here. Yaniis. It was easy for Casii to blame them for the woes of the world but she had a moment of clarity taking a white aberration after the carnage wrought by the aberrations. Yaniis were poisoning themselves in a different, but parallel sense as the yasoi were. She came out here to Ersand’Enise to escape all that back home and she was just getting a different flavor here. It was a sad reality to come to, one that she might not have made if not for the strength of that white aberration. She turned and spat, leaning on her Living Staff that seemed to tremble with excitement. It was like it knew where they were going. Home, at least what Casii considered. She didn’t really know too much about her staff, but she did know where it came from and in a sense this was a bit like home for the staff as well. Legend had it that Qarii’Muuna and the yasoi greengrowths came from the scattering of fallen leaves from the World Tree. The fertilizer that found a way into the plants and then into the yasoi that lived there. Funny that. Vyshta had a weird way of making coincidence work. Going home wasn’t something she ever thought she’d consider so soon but here she was. At the behest of her mother of all people. Although, after all this in yanii-land, she could use something a little more familiar. There was something daunting about going home, but she felt a certain compulsion at this time. “Git’yer bums movin’. I ain’t payin’ for’a portal to remain open all day.” Casii hollered. Thankfully, she wasn’t going alone. How... Peculiar this all was. A huusoi in a wheelchair opening a portal for a wagon, and a bunch of others getting ready to go through it. Her control over temporal was impressive for a yanii, but she was still a yanii. A tall scarred man walked into the fray, and he noticed a strange array of accents around the group. One that was almost definitely tarlonese, but the other reeked of the poverty of a constantian sister. Regardless, he hid his contempt and put on a friendly smile [colour=cyan]"I don't suppose you got room for another?"[/colour] spoke Cal, putting on a friendly smile to this ragtag group. By their mannerisms, and the smell of jamb'ysp coming from the hicks mouth, this would be a lucrative endeavour. [colour=ffdead]"That everyone?"[/colour] Jocasta asked, craning her neck and then rising from her wheelchair to take a look, hovering a few feet above the ground. Ismette followed her lead, though without the wheelchair or the hovering. "I think so," she chirped, glancing back expectantly and excitedly at Casii. Ashon is taken by the hand as Penny led him to the portal, the pair of them made their way toward the gathered crowd. He gave one of those large, goofy smiles as he waved to everyone when they reached their destination. [colour=FF3131]"Got room for two more?"[/colour] Oh!" Casii straightened up as Jamboi arrived. Perfect timing. "Ye, reckon you can Jambii. Which reminds me. Y'all get into any trouble. You find me." Penny detaches from Jamboi. [colour=F7976A]"You know, my great-gran was from around here,"[/colour] she chirps, striding through. She's wearing a knee-length dress, a thick stocking, and a tough leather boot and gloves. [colour=F7976A]"I even know some of the local slang!"[/colour] [colour=ffdead]"Last call!"[/colour] shouts Jocasta, watching the final few shuffle through, including a couple of late arrivals. She prepares to close the portal. [colour=F7976A]"Oh hey, are we gonna sleep in a [i]tent?[/i]"[/colour] she hears Penny inquire. They stepped through onto a small peninsula that was surrounded on three sides by the murky green water. Massive trees towered out of the water with rickety buildings, stairs, and bridges climbed all the way up some of those trees. Scattered throughout were brightly coloured displays of yasoi treasures and trophies proudly displayed, hanging off of the wooden shacks or bridges. More impressive, however, were the many, thousands, of various pots, tins, crates, jars, and whatever could contain soil were filled and then made to grow various flora that the yasoi here have gathered. Everywhere there was space, these containers were placed with the densest concentration being the ramshackled shelves, hanging wires, and whatever else could be used to hold the various containers up at the canopy so the produce had a chance to get the sun with as dense of a canopy as Qarii’Muuna had. Casii turned when everyone was through. “Here we are.” There was quite a bit of joy in her voice as she inhaled deeply, the muggy stink of her swamp. The chii’tuurs were wallowing loud in a constant droning buzz, giving a constant background noise. “Mind yer step.” She added, pointing the ground where a collection of discarded ReTanese porcelain plates were dumped. They had been there for a while, dirtied and decayed, with the pattern scarcely visible any more. “What yer all thinkin’?” Ashon looked toward the other Yasoi that he was not familiar with, Cal’tuuro, and tapped him upon the back of his shoulder with his lucky staff in greeting as they made their way through the portal. [colour=FF3131]"Watch your step, those are no stones."[/colour] Cal'tuuro was taken aback by the scenery. How... primitive this place was? And yet, it felt nostalgic. Like a home he'd never been to. Tall canopies, dirty plates and barely held together infrastructure. This place was nothing like Luuntiil and certainly nothing like the academy. And oh gods, the smell. He felt compelled to use his gift to dampen it, but he setlled for covering his nose with a hankerchief, before one of the other yasoi tapped him with a staff. One he'd seen walking with a one legged huusoi brat. A noble of some kind. Fetish or very religious was the question, but he stopped his thought to turn and face the lad. [colour=cyan]"Interesting! Very interesting! What are they then? Fancy being a tour guide for a foreign moila?"[/colour] he asked with a degree of curiosity, keeping the same friendly tone as earlier. Deep down, he was hiding a thin layer of disgust at the unprompted touch. He really, really, really hoped he didn't get dirt on his jacket. But what he couldn't see, wouldn't hurt him. Ashon smiled widely toward him, sniffled his nose as he scratched it, then wiped his hand down the back of the other Yasoi's jacket. [colour=FF3131]"Welcome to Mycormi, you have swamp, swamp, and swamp. Don’t mind the smell, it is going to get worse."[/colour] He had some cork nose stoppers, he held out his hand to offer it to him. [colour=FF3131]"Want to use these?"[/colour] Ashon placed his in when he scratched his nose. Cal's ears perked up at a conversation going on between a tall eskandish girl and the yasoi chick that invited them all here, but he quickly got brought back to reality when he felt a wipe on his jacket. He felt his face muscles about to twitch, but quickly drew and released some chemical relaxant to prevent himself losing his cool. He had to blend in here. He drew just a bit from the sound of the chii'turs and cleansed his back and the smell of his nose, before addressing the kid with no manners. [colour=cyan]"Don't mind if I do. Cal'tuuro by the way."[/colour] he spoke, taking the corks and offering a hand to shake, cleansing the plugs as soon as they entered his hand with a deft use of his gift at least 3 times over, before popping them in. Penny skipped ahead along the boardwalk. [colour=F7976A]"I thought you yasoi were supposed to be used to this!"[/colour] she chirped, twisting and grinning. Then, one of her crutches went right through a wooden plank and fell onto her stomach with a [colour=F7976A]"whuff"[/colour] and a yelp. She rolled onto her back and sat up, dusting her knee off and scowling for a moment. [colour=F7976A]"It smells so alive!"[/colour] she wondered aloud. Ashon takes the offered hand and pulled Cal into an impromptu hug, his arm reaching around to pat upon the back of his jacket, that middle bit you can never seem to reach no matter how much you try.. [colour=FF3131]"Ashon'amar'loiyang. Some in these parts address me as King. It is good to have another of some class here. These Mycormi never leave the swamp, home is where the heart it."[/colour] He noticed how the yasoi's attention is on the other delight of Mycormi. [colour=FF3131]"It is a swamp, there are some plants in these parts. Now excuse me..."[/colour] Cal'tuuro took the hug in stride. He was far from used to it, but he couldn't spite tradition. He broke away as soon as the other gave any leeway. And when he faced to chat to the other yasoi, he noticed the huusoi girl had questioned him. The way she'd fallen made him want to chuckle, but he hid a smile. He wasn't any better in these wild lands after all. He walked over carefully, watching his step all the while and offered a hand to the young lady. [colour=cyan]"Some of us are, but I'm a city dweller. Seems like you are too, but you're handling the smell a lot better than I am."[/colour] he spoke jovially, letting the faint smile show. He thought that this girl might have been luckier to not fall, being yrash and all. Ashon moved over toward Penny, lowering himself down beside her as he gave her a warm smile. [colour=FF3131]"Yanii’jexoff, lelan’elar."[/colour]. He reached over to stroke Penny upon the cheek and offered her cork nose buds as well, before he stood up to unhook the crutch from between the planks. He looked toward Cal as he approached as well as he was watching him offer his hand out toward her. Penny blinked. She smiled as she took his hand. [colour=F7976A]"I can see that men of class are drawn to each other,"[/colour] she decided, rising to her foot and taking the crutch from Jamboi. [colour=F7976A]"Qitoip, oilan'elar."[/colour] She placed a small kiss on his cheek before nodding and curtsying in Cal's direction. [colour=F7976A]"Qitoip, moila. Penny ya thaluu nax ya ton'broa'soi elax, cip naxa aly'jath'nan el'yax yil Qarii'muuna!"[/colour] [i]Thank you, boyfriend. Thank you, brother. I'm afraid I'm also a city person, but my great-grandmother was from Qarii'muuna.[/i] [colour=cyan]"Tiil, suunei! Joi yuul yasoi dolrey!"[/colour] he bowed his head slightly. It took him by surprise how well she spoke. Must have been Vyshta's tricks at work. It didn't stop him from leaning over to her and hushing his voice in a jokey way, still speaking loud enough that the sharp ears of the other lad could still hear. [colour=cyan]"Your oilan'elar called you a bad word, y'know. Not very gentlemanly if you ask me!"[/colour] a slightly mischievous grin marking his face as he japed. [i]Good, sister! You speak yasoi comfortably![/i] Ashon scratched his head as he is glad his persona is that of a open book. [colour=FF3131]"Qit'soi'lex."[/colour] He watched and raised his eyebrow toward Cal as he leant over toward her, he in turn leaned against Cal's back with his arm and weight in a rather dominant manner upon his tica. [colour=FF3131]"Penny, chel ton’broas moila Cal'tuuro."[/colour] [i]Sweet (Language)Talking Penny, (see)meet City brother Cal'tuuro[/i] Penny's eyes flicked from one to the other. They were... getting territorial over her. She knew, of course, that men did this sometimes, but never over the likes of Penelope Pellegrin. [colour=F7976A]"Hey, boys,"[/colour] she said, nonetheless feeling a little bit flattered, even excited inside as she tried to defuse the budding rivalry, [colour=F7976A]"We're falling behind the others! Come on! You're gonna lose to an yrash!"[/colour] [colour=FF3131]"You heard the patha, time for us to climb the tree, city brother."[/colour] tapping Cal'Turro right between the shoulder blades with the lucky staff to encourage him to get moving as he gave Penny a large smile. [colour=FF3131]"If you make it, you might get to meet Casii and Isii. One will introduce you to the pleasures of the plants you took an interest in, and the other... You got to wait and see."[/colour] he gave Cal a wink as he moved to take Penny by the hand as they moved together toward their next destination. The Tree. Penny struggles and slips, taking a nasty fall down a few branches but has a strange familiar sense of knowing what to do and manages to catch herself. Ashon cannot fault Penny's enthusiasm, if anything, he found it very endearing. Penny is able to do anything, and he loved how she always so independent and pressed ahead unhindered as if the world was opening before her, and stepping forward boldly as if nothing can set her back. He could have easily carried her up the tree, and he imagined many would step in and take over, having assumed she cannot. He moved up behind Penny as he wrapped his arms around her waist, taking a moment to secure his personal dervisher belt around her. [colour=FF3131]"Now fly."[/colour] He let go, allowing the girl the opportunity swing like her ancestors. Penny grabbed hold and, after a moment of hesitation, took off. [colour=F7976A]"AAAAAAAHEEEAAAHEEEAAAAHH!"[/colour] she yelled, thoroughly embarrassing herself. She let out a squeal of delight. [colour=F7976A]"This is amazing!"[/colour] she called, as she swung back closer. [colour=F7976A]"You do this all the time!?"[/colour] Meanwhile, Ismette looked her way and, after a moment, exchanged a glance and a grin with the other yasoi. Casii reached the top of the climb. It would only take her to reach up to grab the rope to scale up the rest of the way to reach the top. Before she did so, however, she turned to see the howling Penny swinging about. She looked down at Isii, amused. "Yaniis..." She shook her head, smiling at Isii. "Spendin' yer whole life flat on the ground is a waste!" Casii called out with a chuckle, reaching to grab the rope lazily and climbed the rest of the way to surface above the canopy. There wasn't much in terms of footing, a stray board, a knotted rope, a bit some curations for the branch shape allowed one to carefully transverse the canopy. But the view was worth it. Over time the yasoi here curated the trees to grow flat canopies, forming a rough horizontal plane. From a great tree, they could look out to the whole of Qarii'Muuna and Mycormi beyond. Densely populating this canopy platform were many pots and containers containing the bulk of Qarii'Muuna's agriculture. In the past, this had been colourful fruits and vegetables gathered from all over. Unfortunately, today most plots were taken up by the bakeleaf, grapevines, poppy, and in a few tucked away spots rarer opioids or psychedelics that would lay even a hegelan out. There was still produce up here, of course. Had to feed the yasoi here somehow. Casii reached out and grabbed Isii, putting an arm around her partner's waist and leaning her head onto the other's shoulder. "Told you it was worth seein'. Wishin' it could be better..." Casiii lifted her head to address the others. "Yer welcome to whatever we grow. Just pluck some seeds and reseed 'em." She turned back to Isii. "Race to the next tree? I'll have you knowin' I ain't ever lose up 'ere." She darted a glance around to the other yasoi. "Ain't no race for any yaniis but bet for yasoi if y'all wanna... Fash'naxii'aca!" Penny looked at Ashon expectantly when Casii called for the yasoi to race. [colour=F7976A]"Don't worry about me!"[/colour] she called. [colour=F7976A]"Go! Gimme the lucky stick! Run run run!"[/colour] Ashon brought Penny close as she placed a big kiss upon her lips as he handed over the staff, [colour=FF3131]"Don't try to lose it, it gets angry."[/colour] He went chasing after Casii and Ismette as he raced toward the other tree. As he moved past Cal'Turro, he called after him. [colour=FF3131]"Don't hang back, or you might be mistaken for a Jexoff, city brother!"[/colour] Cal smiled at the guy, as infuriating as he could be, his uncivilized ways were growing on him. Opting not to swing around the trees like a monkey, he simply drew from the various sources of sound and momentum from the various critters in the air, and used his bloodbinding magic to construct platforms to move across on. [colour=cyan]"Don't worry about me, try not to swing into a tree lover boy."[/colour] he shouted back, keeping as much pace as he could with the dervishing duo. [/hider] [hr][hr]