[@Dark Cloud] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WHpjdxO.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][i][color=f7976a]Dark Magician - IV[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Solitude can commonly serve as a soothing curative, yes, yet seeking solitude in such a crowded site such as this tavern... I would suggest that you seek change and accept the solace of companionship as well."[/b][/i] So she had agreed with his sentiment. She summoned a series of scrolls and tomes to her hand and atop the table, attentively conjured adjacent to the couple of things that belonged to Alwen. The collection consisted of a myriad of subjects; from magical studies to mundane affairs, written in a multitude of languages learned and taught across the complex multilayer, multiplying cosmos. She shared this repository with the researcher, graciously gesturing towards the literature she assumed he would liken. [i][b]"Let us seek common ground then... through sharing our stories. I wonder whether you will grasp more of the Gnosis through reading the book that is me, myself, my being, and I wonder what I will discover when I read the book that is Alwen Grimmel."[/b][/i] She stretched slowly, and gave him a slight grin, proceeded by a pointed stare. Silently, her so sincere yet secluded ruby-red eye reflected him and his appearance - showing something strange and spiritual - perhaps that is the proper term - a sight that no mere mortal mirror could show. The sacred goddess-gaze of Anath Homura asked him softly: [i][b]Please show me yourself...[/b][/i][/color]