"Hah! Finally! You got a good eye, there!" The half-orc exclaims. "I'm glad you think so." The former old man replied, what few motes of nervousness he'd felt about approaching the half-orc vanishing as the scimitar was sheathed. "What are you lot doing in these ruins?" The half-orc then asked. "People weren't supposed to be able to enter here, right ol' timer?" "We were just as confused as you are about that." The man answered. "Though before you arrived, Marbess here figured out that us being here was the result of a Reincarnation spell... Speaking of Marbess, I noticed that he reacted with fear when you mentioned who you'd need to call. Should we be concerned about meeting Lyd?" [hider=OOC] The former old man rolls a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/24875]22[/url] to persuade information and assistance regarding Lyd out of the half-orc. [/hider]