As the grand metal giant's voice boomed, a few of the townsfolk nearest to them subtly took a few steps back. Mechanical constructs were known by some to exist but they were by no means a daily sight. As for Katja, she was stunned, gazing upon the large figure above her. The voice was so foreign to her, but it was soothing in a sense. She thought it had sounded like how her books had described a whale's song. Katja stood up and brushed her robe off before giving a courteous bow. "[color=Green]That is correct!" the woman hastily answered. "In fact, I have come to join the MILOV's crew. I am Katja, Katja Veniro. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Mamjir Warden of Iron.[/color]" She responded in a friendly manner, trying to hide her feelings of awe and slight unease toward the broken-down machine towering above her. "[color=Green]Would it be reason enough to assume you are here on similar business, Mamjir?[/color]" Katja continued as she gazed upon Mamjir. She had never been the brightest when it had come to the more advanced mechanical scriptures in the old library, but she did take an interest in tinkering here and there. That was however nothing compared to what amazing feats of metal were happening inside the being in front of her. Just as she was about to ask Mamjir about himself, the crowds bustling cut her train of thought. The MILOV was landing. The ship eclipsed the light behind it, casting a shadow on the dock. Its hull hissed with steam as if it was exhaling after a long journey. The bay was like one you'd find anywhere at sea, but instead of water, there was a long fall into an abyss. The ship rested upon large metal beams which hung over the edge, letting the ship rest. A long gangway was cast down from the ship, one wide enough for the large cargo that was often delivered. A figure stepped down the archway, momentarily obscured by the light behind the ship. He was a stern-faced elf with a gaze that seemed like it could pierce armor. Watch leader Miriat stepped off the gangway and proceeded to look upon the crowd, almost instantly recognizing who was there for delivery and those who were just there hoping for an easy trade. It was a skill that could only have been learned through years of this kind of work. "[color=Pink]People of Kallokian! On the behalf of the MILOV, I hereby request all of you who do not have delivery or some other sort of business with the ship or its crew, disburse. We will NOT be trading wares today.[/color]" Miriat proclaimed to the crowd, many of which left in a grumbled disappointment. Those who remained received their deliveries as it was carried off with some help from the MILOV's very own orc chef. Left behind was a small hill worth of cargo ready to be shipped off to a new location. Miriat took another glance at the people who remained on the bay before noticing the clockmaker Gregor and his smaller associate, as well as the young Bactrice. "[color=Pink]You there, I presume you have wares that need delivery?[/color]" [@Expendable] [@Conscripts] Katja, who had stood by Mamjir as it all went down, turned to the larger figure and asked "[color=Green]Shall we? [/color]" and gestured toward the Watch leader.