Tillie continued to rub her arms, her hands, her face. It wasn’t like she hadn’t noticed how cold it had been inside, but now back in the warmth it seemed so reluctant to leave her. Perhaps that was just another effect of the cockpit; she’d never read anything concerning it, but, there was a certain unnatural aspect to the Modir that made it hard to call any study ‘[i]definitive[/i]’. Who was to say, really? Looking to Quinn, it seemed she was still stricken as well, shivering, teeth clattering. She’d broken out into a cold sweat though, which was odd, but again, by [i]what[/i] metric? Certainly cold sweats weren’t unheard of among pilots who were often dealing with modium growths in their own bodies. Still, as close as modiology could run with medicine, Tillie wasn’t a doctor. It wasn’t her place to say. So, instead she got excited. “[color=f26522]Can I?[/color]” she squeaked, voice suddenly and thoroughly thawed. “[color=f26522]I mean! Uhm! Of course I can![/color]” With a bounce in her step, Tillie scurried back to [i]Ablaze[/i] and took hold of the opened port. Her stomach fluttered to look into the darkness one more time, but then the chill reached out for her again, and she closed the door. It sealed with a sharp hiss, and black-against-black, the seams all but vanished to the naked eye. Instantly she was warmer, the whole of the air was too. Coming back to Quinn, she stood with her hands triumphantly on her hips. “[color=f26522]Phew! Savior secure! How’d it look in there? I mean, did you see anything you want checked out?[/color]”