[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AgileOilyGecko-size_restricted.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Ogobrogo][@Blizz][@Ever Faithful][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]1:20 PM - Mon. Sep. 13th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][@Kirah][@Blizz]: The two of them had left the carnival behind, and were currently in the school gym. The gym facilities here were rather remarkable. The first floor of the gym was the sort of standard gym you'd find at any university - a weight room, cardio room, pool, climbing wall, basketball courts, etc etc. There was a room with padded floors where people practiced martial arts and other fighting techniques, filled with punching bags and whatnot. And of course, a big open space was used as the dedicated room for combat training, with reinforced walls that could take small nuclear blasts if needed. The second floor of the gym had a track, a roller skating rink, and a room filled with what looked like Bacta tanks that contained the school's virtual reality training software - [i]the Framework[/i]. It was based off of some old SHIELD tech, allowing students to simulate dangerous combat scenarios without physical danger. [@Ever Faithful][@Natsu]: The will-o-the-wisp in the jar didn't respond to Ardere. If it were able to talk, it seemed to have chosen silence for the moment. The two girls, unaware that they were roommates, were both headed to the fourth floor of Stark Hall, room 401. Little playing cards with their names written on them in purple sharpie - Ardere and Mary Sue - were attached to the door. Room 402 had the names Sabine and Leah written on playing cards fixed to its door. In fact, if they looked up and down the hallway, they'd see tons of little playing card decorations - it was an entire theme. [@BlueSky44][@Forsythe][@Nallore]: [hider=Roll Recaps]Mads - becomes irrationally angry with Ser Megan Zari - no effect (somewhat because Asgardians already want to fight everyone lol) Vicky - no effect [/hider] Mads conjured up a shield of eldritch power to protect herself, knocking Ser Megan's sword away from her neck. With her other hand, Mads swung her blade at Ser Megan, hitting the other girl lightly in the side. "That's a rude assumption," Ser Megan said plainly. She swung her sword and it collided with Mads' magical shield, and the shield shattered. Megan swung again and her sword hit Mads' neck lightly. "You're dead," Ser Megan said calmly. "I'll die within hours of the wound you inflicted on me - if I'm lucky. Otherwise, infection will strike me down within the week." The King was playing on their phone at the moment, updating their SuperLink profile, and very much going out of their way to [i]not[/i] deal with any of the fights going on. One of the club members though looked REALLY engaged in the drama between Zari and Vicky. "GUT HER!!!" they screamed, but it wasn't clear whose side they were on. [@Ogobrogo]: Standing at the door was an older gentlemen, wearing a smart, classic suit. He had intelligent piercing eyes and a balding head of white hair. Teddy wouldn't recognize him, not because he should have, but rather because the person at the door was new to the Margaret Carter Institute. "Yes, thank you," the man said. "I am Ser Nemo - the new, or rather, [i]old[/i] Time Travel Studies professor. I was wondering if you might help me with some things in my office? They're rather heavy and my strength just isn't what it used to be," Ser Nemo admitted. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://img.wattpad.com/7bef7bb2df2407b7a126ff2d06ce52b3e7841d05/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f345144486b5f686c4c417a7949513d3d2d313131333330353138352e313639396563653435346339393531383632303232343135333831382e676966[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Stark Hall - First Floor -> Carnival - Food Trucks [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1071655146855080019/aidan-gallagher-1488366999.png]~New Outfit~[/url][hr][hr][/center] Percy rolled his eyes at his sister's joke. [color=ed1c24]"Ha ha ha, very funny,"[/color] he deadpanned. Diana could be so incredibly corny at times. If either of them had been born to be a dad, it was her. She had the exact sense of humor of a father of two in his early 40s. Percy only needed to get her a collection of graphic tees so that way she could look the part as well. She'd need to start throwing a yearly SuperBowl party too. But Percy was sure she could find her own way into doing that without his help. [color=ed1c24]"As you can see, Zelda, my sister is a comedic genius. It's a shame she doesn't have her own stand-up special."[/color] As mean and rude as he was, Percy did love his sister though. Part of this was just how he had learned to show affection. His family tended to tease each other - that's just how they were. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, your sister's friends suck,"[/color] Percy informed Zelda. [color=ed1c24]"Those assholes probably get a kick out of tormenting freshmen. You're better off without her."[/color] Zelda struck him as being pretty different from her sister anyways - he wasn't sure how they were related, just in brief encounters he could already see how they were almost alien to each other. Zelda's sister was loud and annoying and fashionable, whereas Zelda was quiet and shy and hidden and insecure. As they headed out of Stark Hall and towards the food trucks, they'd end up passing by Ardere and Mary Sue - not that Percy noticed those two or thought much of them, but Zelda would likely notice Mary Sue. And Mary Sue might notice Zelda in turn. [color=ed1c24]"The line's shorter now, at least - I was going to jump in front of a car if it hadn't moved,"[/color] Percy observed. The lunchtime rush was over, so now it was a pretty short line to get carnival food. And he was somewhat hungry. The snack Diana had given him after the ordeal hadn't been very much. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/1052bc1bcb3589665e860b52b0438829/6e7a80a5565ffc5a-c9/s540x810/f0dea2550169c12bb0369c2b2b93704ed40f4b45.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] the Field (School Carnival) - Dunk Tanks -> Outside Agatha's Tent [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1063984564227280957/Screen_Shot_2023-01-14_at_4.54.36_PM.png]~First Day Fit~ [/url][hr][hr][/center] Just about every emotion known to humankind had to be swirling inside of April, as Sabine took her hands in her own. She had not fathomed that she'd be holding hands with [i]Sabine fucking Bassard[/i], the hottest girl to ever grace the halls of AA, when April had gotten up that morning. Being called gorgeous earlier by Sabine had already made April's heart flutter like a swarm of butterflies, desperate to escape the enclosure the kindergarten class was keeping them inside of for a science fair project. But now, with her hands in Sabine's soft, smooth, and delicate ones, April was in the eye of the storm of the hurricane of emotions. She hadn't noticed before, but Sabine's eyes were a gorgeous hazel - flecks of green and brown intermingling together. April's own eyes dwelled on Sabine's face, and she couldn't help but take a small peak at Sabine's perfect lips. She dared to fantasize for a moment about what it would be like to kiss Sabine - [i]what would her lips taste like?[/i] What would it feel like to cup Sabine's rosy cheeks in her hands, to hold that perfect girl? April decided kissing Sabine must have been like kissing Aphrodite - that the girl in front of her had to be the goddess of love in disguise, walking with the mortals just for fun. The moment passed though, as did April's brief fantasy, as Sabine led her away from the dunk tanks - away from the Headmaster who was [i]definitely[/i] going to be pissed if he realized April had been the one to shatter the tanks - and off after Danny and Mai. As worried and freaked and stressed as April was about Dorian and that horrific stalker, the butterfly storm swirling inside of her was an odd counterbalance, making everything feel somewhat surreal. [color=42A9FF]"Sorry, sorry, I kinda tend to ramble and then like can't really stop talking? Like, if you know that old meme where it's like [i]do this or draw a million Uno cards[/i] it's like that, only it's [i]shut up or draw a million Uno cards[/i] and I have like five gazillion cards in my hand at the end. I don't know if Danny's mentioned that - well I don't really know if he's said much of anything about me to you? He says all amazing things about you, btw, of course. Like, who wouldn't have only good things to say about you? Right? Um anyways so like also, I just got this nightmarish text from Dorian, so we do need to go find him really quickly - or I mean I need to, not that you need to, I'm not telling you what to do or anything, you can decide if you want to or if you don't want to and everything is chill and... Right, deep breaths, I'm going to stop right now and take a breath and..."[/color] April paused. Her fingers felt icy in Sabine's warm hands. As emotionally confusing and up and down as this moment was, she wished it would last forever - that she could just stay with her hands in Sabine's. April took a deep breath. [color=42A9FF]"Sorry again - and um, thank you. For being so cool. And understanding. And like doing this - because you obvi don't have to, like, do this for a practical stranger. It's really cool of you. I mean, you're really cool. Sorry, I'll stop talking,"[/color] April finished, laughing a bit nervously. Eventually, they managed to catch up with Danny and Chi Mai, both of who looked a little lost. Ironically though, Agatha's tent was just around the corner, just out of sight. April didn't know that of course, having declined the map offered to her when she had first entered the carnival earlier - something she regretted. [color=42A9FF]"Um this doesn't look like fortune telling... Unless Dorian wanted us to meet him at facepainting instead and I missed that?"[/color]