After shooting the elderly ghost with a salt round, she pushed the stuff that had fallen on her off and to the side. Then looked up at the voice of another, a slight smirk forming on her lips at the woman’s question and comment about kids. “Peachy.” she replied flatly as she pushed herself to her feet with a slight groan. It was easy to see that the woman was a hunter like herself based on her attire and the way she carried herself. As well as how she handled the child ghost. She was both agitated and pleased to see the other woman, she was supposed to have the case all to herself, but she was glad for the help of another woman with how these ghosts were turning out to be. It wasn’t every day that she ran into another female hunter on the cases she took. Sighing softly, she knelt down and moved some things around, uncovering her gun, and picking it up. Once her gun was back in her hand, she stood upright once more, scanning the room before her eyes fell on the woman next to her briefly. She didn’t want to be caught off guard by the ghosts. At the question, she inwardly sighed, knowing this had to be some sort of test to prove herself and to show she had done her homework before showing up. “From what I gathered, we have little Kenny Fleet, who slipped into a pond and drowned during an egg hunt. I’ve seen him hiding in a corner this whole time. We have Catherine Coker who died in a tragic accident. Then there is Raden Barlow who was mugged and beaten to death.” she told the woman next to her. “I’ve heard and caught glimpses of another I wasn’t expecting. I’m not sure who they are.” Adjusting her jacket, she stepped out of everything she had been thrown into and sighed heavily. “And before you say anything, I know everything that these ghosts should be attached to is upstairs in display cases. I just wanted to make sure nothing was overlooked and stuck down here in one of these boxes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the item was in a display case just to find out it wasn’t the right item, and then had to go searching through boxes or piles of junk while fighting off a ghost or two.” Before she could say much else, the dark blonde huntress she was talking to was attacked by the female ghost, Catherine, from before. The sudden action caused her to gasp slightly as she saw the huntress thrown into the wooden stairs of the basement, as Catherine yelled at the dark blonde huntress. She held up her gun, trying to find the invisible Catherine. “Catherine, we’re only trying to help you and the others. We aren’t here to hurt you.” she called out to the female ghost. Her words were answered by the elderly ghost, Raden, appearing before her and slamming her into a wall. “Liar!” he yelled. She grunted as her back and head were slammed hard into the wall, her gun falling from her grip. “No, it’s not a lie.” she managed to get out before she felt pressure on her throat. The honey blonde huntress struggled under Rayden’s ghostly grip. “Please, let us help you.” she choked out. “Never!” he yelled as he tightened his grip around her neck. [i]"Who would have thought I would be taken out by a ghost? I thought it would have at least been a Vamp, Werewolf, or Hellhound."[/i] she thought to herself. [i]"No, I can’t think like that!"[/i] she yelled at herself. She continued to fight under Rayden and look around for anything that would be useful. Her gaze landed on the child ghost, Kenny, still hiding in the corner. It was clear to see that he was too afraid to even try to help if she spoke to him, but she decided to try anyway. “Kenny?” she choked out. “Please…. Help us…. So we can…. Help you…… Don’t you want…. To see…. Your parents again?......” she said to him. “I…” she squeaked out as Rayden’s grip tightened once again around her throat. She was finding it hard to get any air now. She was growing dizzy and she could see darkness creeping into the corners of her vision. “I… Know you miss…. Them…… They have…….. To miss you…….. Too.” As she struggled to speak to Kenny, she also struggled to get into one of her jacket pockets for an item. “Give it up hunter! He’s far too scared to help you!” Raden yelled into her face. “Besides, I’ll have choked the life out of you before he can even decide if he wants to help!” The honey blonde huntress gasped for breath, a small smirk came to her lips when her hand finally made it into her jacket pocket and her fingers wrapped around the item she needed. Pulling her hand from her pocket, she flicked her wrist while pressing a button, an intricately designed staff made of iron and black steel appeared in her hand. She swung it right through Rayden, causing him to become a wispy mass before disappearing. She collapsed to her hands and knees, drawing in a breath and coughing heavily. Rocking back on her knees while still coughing, she was going to throw the staff to the other huntress, but the unidentified ghost came out of nowhere and attacked the ghost Catherine. The distorted ghost stood before the dark blonde huntress and spoke in a distorted voice. “If you really plan to help us move on, do it now.” Turning, they held off another attack by Catherine to give her the chance to get to her feet and up the stairs. “Why are you helping them?! They don’t really want to help us!” wailed Rayden and Catherine in unison that echoed throughout the basement.