[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna Steiner[/color][/b][/h1][/center] The staff-wielding mage would increase her pace, moving herself closer to the man at the front of the 'pack' as it were: Adam. From what she could glean on the surface, everyone seemed to be talking to someone else rather than saying anything about the camping situation. Not that being tired after all the walking really lent itself to anything but wanting to agree to get some rest perhaps. But that was just a guess on her part, as she could still go on for a little while yet! At least physically. Mentally, however, she already felt a bit tired if she were to be honest about the matter. Not only had her arrival in the strange place been jarring, but she'd been mulling some along this particular walking trek about the last memories she had from back home. The last thing she remembered at all before waking up in that blasted stone sarcophagus that had been nearly lying on its side. Before the magic, the dead bodies, everything she'd seen her so far in what little time she had been here. All she could recall was having been in her lifeguard swimsuit, walking down a section of the beach to keep an eye on things. Then someone had called out to her when the wind gusts had gotten bad, and she'd turned around only to see the image of a large and heavier beach umbrella flying at her face faster than she could react. Then nothing but instant darkness before she'd woken up. It was like the plot of one of the recently popular isekai-genre anime she'd seen, albeit instead of a truck it was a beach umbrella. That comparison in and of itself made it frankly ridiculous, and yet the thought she'd died and been nabbed up elsewhere and summoned was increasingly becoming one of the most logical theories about their collective situation, comparatively speaking, when compared to the even stranger ren-faire theory she'd finally dumped out of her mind by this point. But how does one present such a theory to people who had just as little an idea and a less pop-culture context to draw on? At least for all she knew. Even if the context was not a problem at all, the suggestion of the idea would be as silly as it could sound in the first place. Then again, the very situation they were in was far more than extraordinary in and of itself and would perhaps lend some credibility to it all? ...She wished her Uncle was here right now. Just to hear his stupid laugh and get a hug to make the crazy things she was going through feel like they didn't matter so much anymore. Even if it made those things feel just a little, but decisive, bit smaller. ... ... ... Ahem. That would all be something to ponder more later. For now, she needed something else to occupy herself with for the time being, and with MacKensie seemingly occupied in conversation with the man who had first come to help her (before returning to his 'resting' face as she assumed) Lillianna's focus had turned to the object in the hands of the group leader: That cube. According to what she'd learned back in the town, before they had left at least, that thing had fallen out from some skeletal minion leader's body after it had been slain. Glowing purple light, necromantic vibes, and the whole shebang included. Then the remnants of the army had up and run away. Like this thing had been keeping them in the fight somehow, or its loss was noted as being too much or too risky a loss to keep up the fight. At least those were her presumptions and guesses about the matter. Theories at best. But if she could use magic, perhaps she could look into it? Or at least as a scholar be able to take a peek at it, maybe be able to get a reaction out of it that could lend some kind of understanding to what it was made for and what it did in function and purpose. With that in mind, the aptly-dressed mage felt asking Adam to look at it would at least be something. [color=gold]"Adam, is it? Ah, I wanted to ask you something while we try to get settled in a spot to camp for the night. Mostly I wanted to ask if I could carefully examine that odd cube for a bit. I would like to see if we can learn anything about it in the meantime from that and such, ah, if that is ok with you of course."[/color] Magic was fascinating, and the scientific method did not change simply because she was in some place with real actual magic. Plus if they could understand anything about their enemy in some capacity, then it would give them any sort of advantage possible. Especially if they could make undead go away somehow with this, if any of her theories about it were true, which would be a boon in case of, ah, another 'attack' surprising them along the way to the town they'd been directed to. [s]Did she mention she could use REAL ACTUAL MAGIC?! Because there was real, actual magic here, and she could use it. That was still trying to sink in even as her attention turned to the cube.[/s] [color=gold]"It...is an odd request to someone I've just met here, but if we could learn anything about it then maybe we could at least better understand why it had the effect it did back there at the village. Admittedly I wasn't there for the battle, but I did glean some basic information about what had happened as we got ready to leave at least."[/color] [@Zapdos]