If it were possible for Cedar to get more angry, it wasnt possible for his features to convey it. Shortly after plastering the rampaging nitwit through the window, his senses keened from far overhead. Some powerful magic was being used up there and it was definitely the accursed, and hideously dressed poseur of a wizard-- and ENTIRELY too high up. "[color=7bcdc8]STOP FUCKIN' AROUND IN 'ERE! I THINK DA FUCKIN' KOOK IS GETTIN AWAY! --FLOATIN' OFF DA DAMN ROOF! GIT YER SORRY ARSES OUT 'ERE![/color]" He roared through the window, before storming as fast as he could away from the wall, and toward the circle of greenery surrounding the keep. A tiny glimmering speck to his spell-modified senses indicated the wizard, working some diabolical spell. "[color=7bcdc8]GIT YER ARSES OUT'ERE RIGHT FUCKIN' NAOW! 'AT SUM'BITCH GUNNA DO SUMMIN' NASTY A'FUCK TA DA WHOLE PLACE! AIN'T GOT TIME FER AT FUCKIN' SKINJOB IN'ERE! OUT AFORES YAS GITS BLASTED![/color]" He grabbed the closest bit of verdant geen vine he could reach, completely heedless of the thorns it bore. There wasn't time. He could feel the stored mana coiled up inside his little garden, like a snake ready to strike. '[color=7bcdc8]Not tudday, ya floatin', pig fuckin'..[/color]' He tapped into the store, then directed the growth up the side of the building in an interwoven torrent of greenery. In moments, it raced up the walls, then overgrew the battlement just beneath the floating wizard. It was running near empty as it finished the encasement, but that wizard could NOT be allowed to escape. Not today. Not ever. He sucked in a deep breath, then funnelled in his own powers, hoping he'd have enough to reach that cocky little shit's feet without overdoing it, then sent the interwoven mass of greenery higher still, weaving and darting over and through itself for support as it climbed...