[@PerfectThought] It's alrighty, I'll do my best to catch up. Please do tell me if there's anything I should edit about my character ^u^ [hider=Varis] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e5/20/09/e52009967ff79c66b3c6524a5eed65d7.jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/queen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230301/5803ae06a5c898f1ceeab641eea1b85c.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [color=#82F2FC]Species:[/color] Carbuncle Folk [hider=About Carbuncle Folk] [indent]Carbuncles as a species look like a mix between the feline folk and the vulpine folk. Most carbuncles have white or brown fur while the rarest ones have green or blue; some of them even have two tails. Their most distinguishable feature is a red gem on their foreheads. This has made the species develop a sense of pride within themselves and superiority above other species because they consider being able to naturally grow a precious stone from their bodies is a 'blessing from the gods'. Of course, not all carbuncles agree to this sentiment. Monarchy is still practiced in some countries in the west with most of the royal families consisting of carbuncle folk. There are two subspecies of carbuncles distinguished by the size and growth of their gems: the horn gems and the oval gems. Horn Gem Carbuncles have gems that grow like a horn on their forehead and are directly ascended from a line of royalty. Oval Gem Carbuncles have normal oval-shaped gems and considered as 'common as all the others that are not Horn Gems'. Aside for aesthetic purposes, their gems also show the health status of the carbuncle: being bright red and sturdy if they are healthy and getting duller and easier to chip as they get sicker or grow older.[/indent] [/hider] [hr] [color=#82F2FC]Age:[/color] 20 [color=#82F2FC]Height:[/color] 5'8" [color=#82F2FC]Weight:[/color] 140 lbs [color=#82F2FC]Sex/Gender:[/color] Male, He/Him [color=#82F2FC]Orientation:[/color] Homosexual [color=#82F2FC]Appearance:[/color] Varis has pinkish red eyes and long, unkept white hair with light blue on the ends. He has white cat-like ears with blue on the tip and a white fluffy fox tail that also has blue on the end. Varis is an oval gem carbuncle, meaning he has a red oval-shaped gem on his forehead hidden under his bangs. [color=#82F2FC]Fashion Style:[/color] He often tends to wear long and loose clothing as his everyday clothing consists of oversized sweaters or jackets and a matching pair of pants. He mostly has pastel or soft-colored clothes with the occasional handful of black and grey whenever he feels 'tired of colors'. He also likes jewelry and wears a fake earring on his left ear. [color=#82F2FC]Personality:[/color] Varis is cheerful and has an optimistic outlook on life. He always greets others with a warm smile on his face and tries to cheer others up to the best of his abilities. He knows one cannot be happy all the time and he sometimes feels about whether he really is naturally happy himself or he's just putting up a happy face for the sake of others, like he can't stand feeling any other emotion but happiness. While his mother appreciates having such a bright and high-spirited son, she still often warns him about the danger of having too much of anything, and his little sister always gets annoyed because of his toxic positivity. It's something that Varis is currently working on himself. Aside from that, he is courteous and proper, always following the rules and sticking by them no matter what happens. He is thankful for every opportunity that comes his way and is always eager to learn about anything that piques his curiosity. Despite being a carbuncle, Varis likes to keep to himself and never put the spotlight on him, he prefers to work on the sidelines and put the spotlight on others instead. However, he is also much eager to prove himself of being capable on his own even to the detriment of his health or what others think of him. [color=#82F2FC]Field of Studies:[/color] [list][*]Healing Magic [*]Enhancement Sorcery [*]Warding Magic[/list] [color=#82F2FC]Relatives:[/color] [list][*]Winona Hanzberry - mother [*]Amity Hanzberry - little sister [*]Markus Grolsmith - step-father [*]Siegfried Von Rovierre - real father[/list] [color=#82F2FC]History:[/color] Varis was an illegitimate child, the product of a forbidden romance between Siegfried, a Horn Gem prince of a western country and Winona, an Oval Gem maid. The prince's parents were against this relationship and made the prince choose between his status and this common girl. Feeling betrayed that the love of her life chose his status over her, Winona fled under the cover of night while being pregnant with their baby. The prince didn't know about her pregnancy, and she had no intention of ever informing him either. She went as far away from the prince and his wretched family as she could until she finally arrived at Gloomminster and decided to start a new life there. She worked hard day and night to support herself and her baby son, giving him all the love his father couldn't, wouldn't, give. She eventually found another lover, a vulpine folk named Siegfried, and gave birth to a girl they named Amity. While Amity wasn't a carbuncle, Winona still loved her dearly just as much as Varis. Growing up, Varis was taught that his father ran away because he couldn't take the responsibilities of raising a family and Winona made sure to make Varis know it was not his fault that his father left. This made the young carbuncle to develop a sense of stewardship not to prove he's better than anyone else, but to become a man that his mother could also rely on apart from Markus. The two began to have a good-heartened 'battle of manliness' between the two of them as they would always compete for Winona's attention by helping her with household chores and with her at-home work, much to the disgust of Amity who hated lovey, sappy stuff as she entered the 'emo phase' of her childhood. Even though they were poor, Varis was very thankful he grew up in a warm household. He often got teased a lot in school for being a carbuncle and automatically assumed he was just as haughty as the rest of his kin, that he should call on his personal maids and butlers to shine his forehead. The constant bullying was where Varis's eager to prove himself came from along with his strong positivity to show he's unaffected by their words and he's stronger than what anyone thought of him, something that he carried within himself as he grew older. It's also where he started to become a bit ashamed of being a carbuncle. Varis applied to Gloomminster University so he could better help his family after he graduated and they were all very happy once he got in. However, because of how far their house was from the university, Varis would often spend hours just to get home, longer if there was a trouble with the weather and a couple of road accidents. Winona and Markus spent days convincing Varis until finally the young carbuncle relented to their parents' wishes and found a cheap place to stay at so he could focus more on studying and himself. [/hider]