[hider=Croc Crush] [color=#0054a6][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FvetaES.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NNM745n.png[/img] [color=0054a6][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐⭐ [b]Reward[/b]: 2000G [b]Inventory[/b]: None [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] [center][h3]ZoHo Marsh - Deep Woods[/h3][/center] [@Enkryption][@Polaris North][@The Irish Tree] NPC(s): Lapis Scarlett wasted no time in quickly subduing and going as far as devouring the now deceased creature. Her alchemic body altering made strong work of it, though attempting to apply Nadia’s principles to her own abilities seemed to have backfired. Being left in a vulnerable state, she would soon be met with more of the beast’s kin coming from the lake. Thankfully, the familiars that Shavis and Hector sent out alerted them to the danger that plagued the scarred alchemist. Shavis was the first to move, her lightning manipulation being shown on full display as she left streaks in the ground with her speed. Having sent Shadar to further asset the rest of the perimeter, she perched on a branch atop a nearby tree to monitor Scarlett’s condition and take note of the situation. Hector, likewise, took up position a little further back and readied his rifle. His familiar Herne had slither along its chamber, acting to aid him in his sniping and acting as an extra pair of eyes. Scarlett’s respite didn’t last long, however, as more makara quickly emerged from the pond and closed in to strike. Thankfully, the first few were pushed back by Shavis’s advance from above and Hector’s sniping, dealing a powerful blow to the creature with her magic-enhanced attack and Hector successfully hitting vital areas thanks to Herne’s aid. The repressant Shavis took earlier also made it easy for her to make some decisive surprise attacks. While this may have held them back for a moment, their numbers didn’t dwindle. With Shavis now out in the open with Scarlett, they soon found themselves being overwhelmed by the beasts. Perhaps it’d be wise for Shavis to call Shadar to her side. They would need to think of a plan fast, as more were coming from beneath the surface. As the ripples and the bubbles neared the three Reavers, something finally jumped out of the swamp water. "[color=red]Help me![/color]" The thing from the water was no Makara, it was a person! Although, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/550x/dd/36/18/dd3618e3d97844e545e85fcd47f4e530.jpg]dressed in black garbs and wearing suspicious red-tinted goggles, to say he was an odd fellow would be an understatement[/url]. In his hands were eastern swords which he used to slash down a Makara that jumped after him. He then turned to the Reavers, and was a bit startled with what he saw. "[color=red]Whoa! Who are you guys?! No, that doesn't matter now. We've got a ton of these glorified piranhas coming here. We've gotta get rid of them if we want to get anywhere![/color]" The black-garbed warrior readied for the coming onslaught. "[color=red]Here they come![/color]" Hardly expecting the situation to take this turn, they hardly had time to ponder as it grew more extraneous. Hector, despite having Herne increase his field of view, wasn’t able to deal with the group of beasts that managed to get past his two teammates. A couple began to scale the tree he had perched upon, attempting to claw and gnaw at him. Just then, a large tentacle had smacked them away, a loud thud echoed as they hit the forest floor. It was the familiar Hachigan, along with its master Lapis. [color=6ecff6]”Looks like we made it just in time!”[/color] She said. [color=6ecff6]”A barrier has successfully been made around the village. I sensed you guys could use some help, but who’s that weird guy with the red goggles?”[/color] Realizing the situation she chose to forgo further pondering, and began to assist the other three in dealing with the beasts. Attempting to make use of her esper abilities, Lapis began to read the feelings of the reptilian beasts in order to calm them and see what may have been ailing them. She began to wince, holding her head as if it were in pain. [color=6ecff6]”Something’s…wrong with them! They’re feelings are full of delirium and rage! I-It’s like they can’t control themselves!”[/color] [color=red]”There's too many of them! We're getting swamped! Hah, get it? I know a place where we can have the home field advantage. Follow me!"[/color] Said the odd masked man. He was quite correct in his assessment. The group was getting overwhelmed and Lapis’s esper abilities were of no use. Cutting a path for them, the man threw a ball that exploded into a brilliant flash of light. This staved off the beasts long enough for them to make their escape. Eventually, the hooded man led them to [url=https://imgur.com/djyyHmz] a peculiar shack deeper within the swamp.[/url] Being led inside, the group would likely have some immediate questions. Aside from the strange chemical odor, they would also notice drums and beakers that seemed to be filled with strange substances. [color=6ecff6]”Wh-What’s with this place? What is all this?”[/color] Lapis said, clearly feeling sick from the air surrounding the hut. [hr] [hider=Badland Heist] [color=#007236][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QfTqgf1.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JITx4pu.png[/img] [color=007236][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐⭐⭐ [b]Reward[/b]: 3000G, New magitech inventory available in shop [b]Inventory[/b]: None [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] [center][h3]Northeast Highlands - Thieves Hideout[/h3][/center] [@PaulHaynek][@Silverstein][@FrogRFlowR] NPC(s): Evelyn With Evelyn blasting away at the grunts and Leon taking them out from their blind spots, the group weren’t struggling too much with the marauders. A few went for Einer and Asterope, the former attempting to fend a few off with his brass knuckles. The Thunder Witch had little difficulty in zapping away her assailants with her devastating lightning attacks, however, Einer received a wound on his side after trying to land a punch on mech sword wielder. As the man attempted to deal a killing blow, a large blast of vermillion energy hit the man in the back, instantly sending him falling flat on the ground. [color=ec008c]”You should be more careful, you’re a sitting duck like that!”[/color] Eve scolded the young bard. Eve had managed to save Einer just in the nick of time, with her AOE attacks and maneuverability, the fledgeling witch was making quick work of their attackers. “Dammit, someone take that brat out!!” One of them yelled. At that point, [url=https://imgur.com/lBODixI] a hooded man with a dark mask had emerged from the base. He was holding a peculiar purple orb in his hand.[/url] [b]”That’s enough shitting around, lads. We don’t have time for this.”[/b] The man had a gruff and unpleasant accent to his speech. [b]”Let’s see how you enjoy a piece of this!”[/b] Holding up the orb, an eerie glow enveloped the vicinity they were all occupying. At that moment, Leon would find himself now completely visible to the naked eye. Eve, on the other hand, began falling from the sky. Her sudden fall was accompanied by an embarrassing yelp, splatting dead on the ground. Thankfully, she wasn’t that high up at the particular moment and only suffered some minor scrapes. [color=ec008c]”Oww…”[/color] She whined. [color=ec008c]”Bastard, burn to cinder!”[/color] attempting to fire another blast at the hooded man, she soon found that her magic had been significantly dampened. All that camefrom her hand was a small bolt of energy that quickly dissipated. [color=ec008c]”H-huh?”[/color] She said, weakly. [b]”Compliments to the boys at Loghren! Have no fear boys, magus aren’t worth much without their precious little spells. Easy pickings.”[/b] He mused in a condescending tone. [color=ec008c]”Oh…that’s right. That Donovan did mention something about a new device that did something like that…ha. Hahaha…”[/color] Eve weakly laughed. [color=ec008c]”Oh crap…”[/color] More brigands came for the witch, attempting to slash at her with their swords. With a surprising amount of agility, Eve was able to dodge the slashes. She quickly turned her attention to the gun-toting attackers, getting to cover as quickly as possible to avoid the gunfire. The reavers had their fighting power greatly diminished, however, so did the brigands. The magictech weapons they wielded no longer had their extra effects due to being in the anti-magic field. Although, they were still dangerous as regular weapons. Now on the defensive, the group would have to quickly find a way to deal with the hooded man and that pesky orb. Leon may have noticed Eve hunched behind the rock, holding her staff as if she intended to use it like a blunt weapon… [hr] [hider=Necropolis] [color=#9e0b0f][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oQ93ZTC.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/e25aL6N.jpg[/img] [color=9e0b0f][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][b]Difficulty[/b]: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (Special Request) [b]Reward[/b]: 5000G, Notoriety increase [b]Inventory[/b]: [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [/hider] [center][h3]Western Plains - Ground Zero[/h3][/center] [@Hammerman] NPC(s): Ruecian, Rozemyme Summoning his water nymph and with her magical arrows, the Fae couple took out a decent chunk of the monsters on their end as well. Renee bought enough time for Rana to finish the prep for her spell. She then fired several bolts of light at a couple of the abominations. [color=0076a3]”O Blessed Light, eradicate the unholy!”[/color] she uttered. She then turned to Renne, now with a calmer expression. [color=0076a3]”Umm, thanks for that.”[/color] She said. Rue and Roze, with their combination water/ice attacks, were making quick work of the other creatures coming for them. However, soon the magus present would feel a terrifying rumble coming from below the earth. Suddenly, a giant skeletal hand had erupted from the ground from where Rue and Roze were. Fortunately, they were quick enough to dodge it, for the most part. Roze was holding her side, with a bit of blood dripping from the wound. [color=8882be]”Shit! Roze, you ok?!”[/color] Rue said, running up beside her. [color=8882be]”I’m fine, it’s just a scratch…”[/color] She said, her expression telling a different tale. As the ground further erupted, what appeared before the reavers was [url=https://imgur.com/zjYBWDC]an enormous skeletal creature with sinister eyes.[/url] With a horrid bellow, its call beckoned more of the earlier creatures to sprout from the ground. Rue blasted them with torrents, but for every dozen he destroyed, a dozen more took their place. He spat a swear, and helped Roze to regroup back with the others. He looked at the creature, then looked back at the party. [color=00aeef]”Funny, pretty sure this fucker wasn’t in the report that we received.”[/color] Ruecian spat at Rana. [color=0076a3]”I-I’m sorry! I swear to you, that thing wasn’t here before. I have no idea what that thing even is!!”[/color] She exclaimed. [color=8882be]”Miasma buildup can lead to all sorts of grotesques appeari-guh!”[/color] Roze began to grow pale in the face, and her wound was slowly getting worse. [color=00aeef]”Shit, miasma poisoning! Rana, look after Roze and get of that gunk that’s killing her!”[/color] He then turned to the Fae lovers and the nymph. [color=00aeef]”We’re gonna need to combine our strengths if we want to make a dent in that thing, got it?! On me, we strike as one. Once Roze heals, we should be able to take it out in one go. Hold it off until then!”[/color] Channeling azure mana around him, Rue began to conjure a shape beside him. The shape then became a large, blue serpent that was larger than the summon that Roze had called forth. [color=00aeef]”Mizuchi to me!”[/color] He called out. [color=00aeef]”Sublimate them.”[/color] He coldly said. His summon began blasting a large volley of icy breath at the skeletal beast and its disgusting minions, signaling for the couple to join in. Hopefully, their efforts would be enough to give Rana time to treat Roze’s wounds.