[h3]Mella[/h3] [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze] [hr] Curses. Could she learn curses? She'd curse this bird. Or maybe she should learn some divine magic so it laid golden eggs. This was turning out to be rather annoying. "I would much rather sell this thing." Mella replied with a sigh, admitting defeat at the hands of this avian. "Its a rare specimen lord Reginald...though I haven't a clue as to why it seems so attached to me." She'd turn her eyes up towards the bird in question. "Perhaps it'd taste good roasted? Perhaps fried. I think it looks similar enough to a duck to be quite delicious of prepared correctly and I would not have to purchase food for the evening if we did." Mella walked over towards Reginald and Elastasia, bowing politely. "I shall remember to bill you for extra curricular work." She nodded towards Reginald. "My lord, if there is nothing else then I must continue my shopping and prepare a meal for the evening." A glance back up at the bird. "Unless we truly shall be finding out what this one tastes like roasted in garlic."