[hr][hr][h2]Ismette, Tyrelle, and Mirette[/h2][hr][hr] [color=00a99d]"Nononoooo"[/color] squealed a voice, and a pretty yasoi girl shook her head. [color=00a99d]"You want to roll your 'Rs' just a little bit. You sound like a cat purring."[/color] Another girl, to whom she bore a strong resemblance, then made a point of purring. [color=9e0039]"If I were a cat,"[/color] this one remarked, [color=9e0039]"I would be sleeping right now instead of practicing how to speak like a Constantian."[/color] Right foot and forearm wrapped around a vine, she swung idly back and forth, free foot pushing off at the bottom of every lazy arc. [color=98FB98]"If you were a cat, Mirette, you'd be chasing your own tail,"[/color] offered a third young woman, [color=98FB98]"and never catching it."[/color] She was virtually identical to the other two but for the presence of a short, rounded stump in place of a right leg. She sat astride a tree branch, her remaining foot dangling almost playfully. Mirette hissed, and the first member of the group perked up. [color=00a99d]"See, and that's like the way the southerners do their 'Q' sounds,"[/color] she remarked, seizing on the moment. [color=00a99d]"Now [i]you[/i] try, Tyrelle!"[/color] The one-legged girl looked her way dubiously and, with a roll of her eyes, let out a halfhearted hiss. [color=00a99d]"Mediocre, cousin,"[/color] chirped the first. [color=00a99d]"[i]Fucking[/i] mediocre, even."[/color] [color=98FB98]"Sue me."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Remember, you are a cat,"[/color] her teacher insisted. [color=00a99d]"[i]Feel[/i] your inner pussy. [i]Be[/i] the pussy."[/color] Despite herself, Tyrelle cracked up. Mirette snorted, lost control, and nearly fell off of her vine. [color=98FB98]"Ismette,"[/color] remarked the former. [color=00a99d]"Yes, Tyrel'yrash?"[/color] The one-legged girl rolled her eyes. [color=98FB98]"Are you serious? Like...[i]actually[/i]? How do you keep a straight face?"[/color] Ismette blinked. [color=00a99d]"Serious about what?"[/color] she inquired. [color=9e0039]"She's going to keep us dangling,"[/color] Mirette decided. [color=9e0039]"We're all just flies in her web."[/color] [color=00a99d]"But... you are no longer dangling."[/color] Ismette remarked sadly. [color=98FB98]"[i]Shiin[/i], you're good,"[/color] Tyrelle admitted with a shiver, leaping down from the branch and landing in a crouch. [color=98FB98]"Anyway,"[/color] she continued, rising and casting about for her crutches, [color=98FB98]"How about this?"[/color] She let out a hissing noise. Ismette clapped excitedly. [color=00a99d]"Yes, cousin!"[/color] She stepped forward, retrieving the pair. [color=00a99d]"Much better. Now, you need to make it a bit rougher, more guttural."[/color] Mirette was swinging again. She tried the sound, but it ended in a couple of coughs. [color=9e0039]"It appears I cannot be the pussy,"[/color] she groaned. [color=9e0039]"It's all up to you, Hopping One."[/color] [color=98FB98]"Just imagine you're from Qarii'muuna or something,"[/color] Tyrelle replied, managing the sound reasonably well and then better within a word. [color=98FB98]"Just horking up a wad of nasty spit from the back of your throat."[/color] Ismette handed her the crutches and received a little grunt of thanks. Mirette leapt off the vine at the highest point in her swing, landing acrobatically following an aerial somersault. The three cousins walked. [color=98FB98]"So, be honest with me, Issy,"[/color] said Tyrelle, twisting on the spot and walking backwards. [color=98FB98]"You really think we can sound convincing?"[/color] The middle of the three and apparent ringleader shrugged. [color=00a99d]"I do not know for sure, suunei, but I think it is possible with practice."[/color] [color=9e0039]"But I just don't get whhhyyyy!"[/color] Mirette groaned. [color=9e0039]"Why are they so [i]sensitive[/i]? Why can't we just be [i]Tarlonese[/i] and help them?"[/color] [color=98FB98]"They're the motherland,"[/color] Tyrelle interjected. [color=98FB98]"They feel that they should lead but they know that they don't, anymore, and they [i]can't[/i]."[/color] She turned back to face the proper way, snagging a crutch momentarily on some underbrush. [color=00a99d]"It is as Tyrelle says, suunei."[/color] Ismette's customary smile faded and she shook her head. [color=00a99d]"These are damaged lands. The addiction has struck them truly, and many other maladies as well. They do not want outsiders intervening for the shame."[/color] [color=9e0039]"But [i]we're[/i] yasoi, too. Not yaniis!"[/color] Mirette protested. [color=9e0039]"It's... objectively dumb."[/color] [color=98FB98]"People aren't always rational,"[/color] Tryelle reminded her, as the three continued down the idyllic forest path. [color=98FB98]"I think they fear to let us down: to be laid low and forced to admit that they've failed. To... lose our regard,"[/color] she concluded. [color=98FB98]"That can be a powerful motivator."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Suunei,"[/color] chirped Ismette, somewhere between cheerful and pensive. [color=98FB98]"Hm?"[/color] [color=00a99d]"You are a very eloquent speaker."[/color] [color=9e0039]"As befits a living [i]goddess[/i],"[/color] Mirette reminded her grandly. [color=9e0039]"Lady Vyshta - Fortuna herself - incarnate and walk - uh... [i]hopping[/i] among us."[/color] She winked. [color=00a99d]"Praise be!"[/color] Ismette squealed. Tyrelle grimaced. [color=98FB98]"If I die before twenty-five, it'll be because of embarrassment."[/color] [color=00a99d]"Do not worry, Tyrel'yrash,"[/color] Ismette guaranteed. [color=00a99d]"I am a very skilled binder. I shall reanimate your stiffening corpse."[/color] Tyrelle glanced her way and cringed. [color=98FB98]"[i]Gods[/i], that's macabre."[/color] [color=9e0039]"Zombie Tyrelle!"[/color] giggled Mirette, doing her best imitation of a zombie walk. [color=9e0039]"Actually..."[/color] Halfway through, she switched to 'zombie' hopping and Ismette laughed. [color=9e0039]"No, you will make a magnificent goddess,"[/color] the youngest of the three concluded. [color=9e0039]"And you're gonna live if I have to frickin' [i]kill[/i] you!"[/color] [color=98FB98]"Yes, worship me,"[/color] replied Tyrelle, deadpan. [color=98FB98]"For I am the divine made flesh and definitely not just some girl with one leg and a bit too much mana."[/color] [color=00a99d]"I have always admired your confidence, suunei!"[/color] cheered Ismette. [color=98FB98]"Always,"[/color] agreed Tyrelle, [color=98FB98]"for all nine months that you've known me."[/color] [color=00a99d]"The best nine months of my life,"[/color] Ismette assured her. [color=9e0039]"Hey guys,"[/color] interjected Mirette, [color=9e0039]"Did you know that, when you die, you poop yourself?"[/color] [hr][hr]