The Commissar Main Tavern Floor - The Tavern Raine awoke in her chair with a start, her scabbered painfully clattering against her leg. With a groan, the brunette-haired officer winced, clutching at the area for a few seconds, allowing both her senses to return and for the pain to subside. Once she was sure she was fully lucid again, the took up the glass she had partaken of - seemingly hours earlier - and frowned. "Throne of Terra; empty!" Severina cursed, banging the glass back down on the side table. "I shouldn't even be imbibing amsac whle off-duty! What's the ..." Biting down any further complaints, the Commissar gathered herself and got her cap straightened once again. Once she was sure she was somewhat presentable - by Commissariat standards, anyway - Severina started for the tavern's front door, intending to get some fresh air before any thoughts of return crossed her mind.