[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WHpjdxO.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][i][color=f7976a]Anath Homura[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=fdc68a]The one-eyed goddess slowly blinked with bemusement upon being struck by a barrage of senseless behavior; she cared little for the prattle of an easily angered Qhiuleri, and there was little work she was willing to do in order to rewrite time so that she could prevent whatever ensuing calamity Arterius had created when they most certainly committed their crimes of theft and vandalism. Indeed, why bother with such tedious tasks that were beneath her blessed jurisdiction? She contemplated the situation, and chose to concentrate on the most immediately concerning statements: Anath Homura stared at Ki'ryah with apprehension while the other goddess walked out of the diner, then turned her attention to Agthalan again, acting cautious of the chaos he sought to sow. She held up her hand, and revealed a certificate for commercial vehicles written in the common lexicon of letters that the cosmos - specifically the surrounding country - they currently occupied utilized for reading and legislature. [i][b]"Now whom among you has an actual license for driving the vehicle outside? Anyone?"[/b][/i] Anath Homura of Honor simply inquired, and readied herself in advance for an array of fabricated documentation and false authorization from the various demented deities here. She had begun to consider whether she should buy some coffee for the definitely difficult and confounding path ahead of her. She peered at the others, and silently pondered... She didn't even enjoy the taste of coffee.[/color]