Cedar was not amused, and doubly so at expending energy only to have the dodgy bastard just float a smidge higher to miss the vines. As the lumbering imbecile approached, he slipped the pilfered kukri out of his belt, palmed the handle 'fight-style' in one hand while holding the vine still in the other, then waited for the inevitable attempted tackle. As the moron lunged, he instead dodged to the side, swung his weight against the vine to close back behind the bludgeoned mass of bloody streaks that called itself Ragnar the red, pulling the vine tight in the process like a rope, then quickly wrapping it around him, all in the same movement, before bringing the blade down hard across the back of the man's neck, then kicking him in the butt toward the window he had slung mud through earlier. "[color=7bcdc8]I AINT GOT TIME FER YA DUMB BULLSHIT. FUCKOFF.[/color]"