[@Starlance] [@Blizz] [@13org] [i] [color=00aeef] [h1] [center]Kolvar Stilmyst [/center][/h1][/color][/i] Kolvar still did not understand the equation and what the pinkie was trying to say. “[i][color=00aeef]Damn if only we had a thought mage here.[/color]” He cursed under his breath with a grimace on his face. He took a closer look at the equation in front of him. “[color=00aeef]It seems the pinkie wants the aluminum quill.[/color][/i]” He wanted Kareet to trade the pen for the strange tape. Watching the alien writing down another equation this time on the metallic wall. Taking a moment to try and figure out what it meant. “[i][color=00aeef]Do you have any idea what this new equation means? Does it look like some sort of measurement of some kind?[/color][/i]” Tapping his clawed hand towards the bottom of his beak. Again he was having a hard time trying to figure out what the equation meant. Extending it out while reading the numbers along the tape. Letting go and looking scared as it snapped back into place. “[i][color=00aeef]Strange.[/color][/i]” He once again extended it out for Kareet to have a better look at. Perhaps this measuring tape would be the key to them solving the equation. “[i][color=00aeef]No I do not think this creature is alone, so we should be ready in case the others come. And I assume the other crewmembers will be quite aggressive.[/color][/i]” He said pointing towards Vigdis. “[i][color=00aeef]But we should keep a levelled head, and keep trying to keep making communication with these foreigners.[/color][/i]” He did not like the introduction of Nellara and her people waiting outside. He did not want to lose the valuable information inside the ship to the Order. He felt like an idiot for not being able to figure out the equation. But he would try his best to help them.