[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Nfdwp1DB/IMG-Test.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50FfY6WL/Untitled-design.png[/img][/center] [i]Welcome to the picturesque small town of Tanner, set in the tall trees of Washington State. The town is to the outside world, a quiet place of nothingness. However, hidden in the American gothic homes, hedgerows and winding streets, is a community in hiding. For you see: Tanner is home to a Witches coven. Even in these modern times, Witches and supernatural beings creep in the shadows, doing their best to blend in and avoiding suspicion. Things never seem to be that easy however, as beyond the veil lie many creatures who wish to feast on mortals or try to subdue them. So, the witches of Tanner stand guard and protect the town from those who wish it harm. Even if the residents would freak out if they knew the truth. Our story follows the journey of the current cohort of witches at the Tanner coven. Returning fresh from college after several years away. Their parents have all decided to retire from the coven, and instead allow the younger generation to take over. For better or for worse. Oddly, no one seems to be able to give a reason as to why the decision was made. [u]Witches and Warlocks[/u] The Tanner coven is made up of both witches and warlocks. The distinction between the two is down to ability level rather than gender identity. Witches are stronger while Warlocks tend to be lacking in magical power. It is possible to change from one to another however, and there isn't an official guide as to how strong you have to be to be classed as either. It is generally a community decision within the coven as to where you are placed. [u]Magical abilities[/u] Magic takes up alot of forms and to list them all would be exhaustive. Every spell you do falls into one of the eight schools of magic: Abjuration, Alteration (Transmutation) , Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Illusion, Invocation (Destructive/elemental spells) , and Necromancy. Warlocks tend to focus on a single school of magic, where as witches tend to be able to specialise in more than one class.[/i] --------------- We are back! [i]Thank you life for getting in the way last time[/i] Generally speaking, this is going to be a slower paced RP, designed for people who want to write, but might not be able to write and post within rapid deadlines. Deadlines will be around every two weeks, though once a group has gotten together, we can certainly discuss it in more detail. Post length will of course differ depending on the circumstances, and I am not one to be pushy or judgey. As long as your overall average is two paragraphs, everything is fine. Collabs are allowed and encouraged if you feel it makes more sense. Just bear in mind that collabs don’t extend post timers! CS is below, Feel free to use it, or if you have something more aesthetically pleasing you would like to use then by all means feel free. As long as you have fun making your character, that is all that matters! [hider=CS] [code][center] [h1][b][color=000000]Full Name Here[/color][/b][/h1] Character Image Here - RL FC not Anime. [/hr][i][color=000000]Character Quote[/color][/i][/hr] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] [b]Witch or Warlock:[/b] [b]Schools of Magic:[/b] What schools of magic does your character specialise in? [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [/code] [/hider] [url=https://discord.gg/2TGsvsBj9n]We have Discord too![/url]