When the sound of a bird of prey reached Fenna's ears she turned to look at it. Was it hunting? There was something odd about its behaviour. Instead of flying away from them, it flew down and landed on a tree. "Hello there," Fenna said as she examined it. There was no doubt in her mind; this was the same falcon as back in the village, who had saved her from a skeleton. Instinctively she held out her arm and the falcon took the invitation. "Aren't you a beautiful thing," she complimented the bird as she gazed into the intelligent eyes. She turned to Mackenzie, but couldn't answer the question. She didn't know how she did it, and maybe she hadn't done anything, but had the bird chosen her for whatever reason? But there was an unmistakable link now. She turned the bird to the younger woman so she could admire it from closer, and the falcon allowed her to touch its feathers. The falcon remained with them for a while, but as they neared the camping site Fenna told it to go hunt before it would be too dark for it. She watched it fly into the sky, circle the area and then broaden its search for prey. Fenna stopped on the area they would be camping and glanced around with her hands on her hips. This was a good place for a camp.