[color=gray][CENTER][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5407930][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1047910123206627378/1080163847022841937/image.png[/img][/url][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=#798bab][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Crestwood Memorial Foundatin[/I] - [I]Administrative Building, Central Campus[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#798bab][b]The Homecoming Trials #1.016:[/b][/COLOR] [I]An Australian Kiss is a Kiss Down Under[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=#455676][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=#798bab][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I][@Hillan] - Axel Bordeaux, [@PatientBean] - Calliope de Léon[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#798bab][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]The Tribulations of a Freshman[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=F796A9]"I guess it's nice to look at, but I wouldn't be caught dead having my likeness used as a roundabout way of saying 'look at me, I have money to burn in a world where people are dying on the streets'."[/color] Cassander was suddenly startled out of his thoughts. Jumping, energy crackled along his hands, a slight pulse of light emitting from his palms along with an audible '[i]pop[/i]'. Turning his eyes to the source of the voice, they widened slightly upon realizing the statuesque beauty from the ceremony was not only standing across the fountain from him but actually [i]talking[/i] to him. His mind raced thinking about how to play the situation in front of him. Did Calvin ever give him any tips on talking to girls? What if he ended up sounding creepy? Or worse, [i]what if he ended up sounding like Banjo?[/i] Calvin had always said that the first thing Alexis had noticed about him was the jacket, the same leather jacket that he had given to Cassander when the teen left Crestwood Hollow, and the same leather jacket that was currently sitting in a foot locker. [COLOR=#798bab][i]And instead, I'm stuck wearing this dorky uniform, at least it looks good on her.[/i][/color] It was true though, on Calliope the uniform was flattering. She wouldn't have looked out of place in the corporate world or a high-end law firm. On Cass however, he felt the uniform was too tight in places it should have been loose and too loose in places that should have been tight. A tailor would have gone a long way on this campus in Cass' opinion. The upside was that everyone on campus was forced to wear the same aforementioned 'dorky' uniform. Clearing his throat to respond, Cassander tucked a finger inside the high-collared shirt, moving it around his neck attempting to loosen the stiff fabric. He could feel dampness on his finger that he wasn't sure if it was caused by the heat of the sunny day or an unmistakable nervousness slowly escalating instead of him. The prolonged silence was broken as Calliope spoke again, Cassander thanking the universe for the few extra seconds to think as he tried to formulate a response through floundering thoughts. [color=F796A9]"Sorry, we don't know each other and I may very well be insulting a person you like-"[/color] Opening his mouth to speak, Cass was cut off as another teen suddenly dropped out of the sky. Instinctively, raising his hands, Cassander felt his control slip as a blue glow swelled between his fingers. A crackling orb of energy formed in either palm only to dissipate as Cass realized the gravity-defying student was none other than his bunkmate. [Color=silver]"Her name was Vanessa, she was killed, brutally. They all were."[/color] Axel stated, his eyes motioning towards the fountain and its many faces. Panting between his words, Axel paused as though he had more to say before deciding against and sitting down on the edge of the fountain. [color=#8AACEB]"I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it,"[/color] Cass interjected, circling the fountain while positioning his body between Axel and Calliope. This wasn't the first time in the past week that Cassander had seen Axel openly and freely use his abilities. In fact, it was often the norm for the older student, Cass could barely pick out a moment in his mind when he had seen Axel with two feet on the floor. To say it was annoying would be burying the lead, Cassander was downright jealous. Cass' own Hyperhuman ability could only be used for destruction and he could barely control it. One wrong reflex, one instinct-driven action and he could blow. But Axel, Axel was able to [i]fly[/i]. What Cassander wouldn't have given to have his head literally in the clouds, to have flown away from all the bad foster homes in his past, to have picked Chloe up and disappeared over the horizon where they both could have been safe. The scowl across Cass' face betrayed the fact he had become lost in his thoughts again. It was Calliope's voice that once again brought him back to his present surroundings. [color=F796A9]“No, I meant it the way I said it. I didn’t know she was being honoured, however. Even still, the money spent on it could have surely gone elsewhere.”[/color] Came Calliope's reply. Tilting his head slightly, Cassander shot her a look out of a narrowed eye while Axel replied to the pair. [color=silver]"Their deaths started all of this. It caused the creation of this school. They became martyrs for all of our kind."[/color] While talking, Axel palmed some water from the fountain, splashing it over his face as a bead of sweat was running down the side of his face. Dabbing himself, he stood up, catching his breath as he once more pushed off of the ground a couple of inches, hovering in front of the two. Raising an inquisitive eyebrow, Cassander had to question whether this was an intimidation attempt. He had been in enough fights to recognize the signs and while he felt fairly confident he could hold his own against the literal 'Air Jordans' in front of him, he wasn't about to be baited into a fight when they had places to be. [color=#8AACEB]"Most of P.R.C.U. wasn't built with money either, the school and campus are basically self-sufficient. They build, grow and create everything they need here. Primarily through the use of our abilities. While this fountain is a bit of a vanity project, it didn't take any funds away from a worthier cause."[/color] Cassander's attention was suddenly pulled away from Calliope and Axel. Behind the other boy, exiting the Intake House dormitories was none other than their resident troublemaker, Banjo, dressed in nothing but a school-issued speedo bottom. Suddenly burying his head in his hands, Cass took a moment to gather himself, or rather his gag reflex. The vision of Banjo's wedgie burned into his mind's eye. He coughed, clearing his throat before addressing the other two teens around the fountain. [color=#8AACEB]"I think the two of you might want to look over there."[/color] Cassander pointed as Calliope replied. [color=F796A9]“Well, that’s one way to get kicked out of school. At least he has the body for it.”[/COLOR] Looking at Calliope, Cassander tried to hide his frustration at the comment. It was utterly disheartening that Calliope seemed to only be interested in Banjo's physical form, enough so that she was willing to overlook his juvenile and frankly grating personality. The familiar feeling of envy slowly crawled up Cassander's spine as he looked at the girl practically drooling after the cackling maniac. Peering behind him, Axel smirked a little. It reminded the older student of his high school days. There had always been some jackass who would go streaking after a football game. It seemed that those behaviours were never truly gone in some people. [COLOR=SILVER]"I'm sure he just thinks he is invisible or something,"[/COLOR] His attempt of a joke was undercut by his serious tone. Taken aback by Axel's tone, Cassander furrowed his brow momentarily. He had been counting on Banjo's performance to break the tension. [color=#8AACEB]"I really hope one of the faculty members can transfigure clothing."[/color] Cass stated wryly, realizing that they had all probably delayed getting to the Southern Plateau long enough, he jutted a chin back towards the Intake House. [color=#8AACEB]"I guess we should more or less follow suit and head over to the shuttle to get to these trials."[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=#455676][sub]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/COLOR][/center][COLOR=#455676][SUP][table][row][sup][h1][color=2c2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/b][right][b]▅▅▅▅▅[/b][/right][/color][/h1][/sup][/row][row][cell][color=#2c2c2c]- -[/color]|◄ [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5427433][COLOR=#798bab][b]FIRST[/b][/COLOR][/url][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][center]◄ [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5428695][COLOR=#798bab][B]PREV[/B][/COLOR][/url] || [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5434082][COLOR=#798bab][B]NEXT[/B][/COLOR][/url] ►[color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/center][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][INDENT][right][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5443585][COLOR=#798bab][B]LATEST[/B][/COLOR][/url] ►|[/right][/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table][/SUP][/color][/COLOR]