The battle continues around the party as their fight continues. The six attackers Ervdul ordered to the other side of the field slam into the side of the highwayman advance to great effect. Meanwhile, the two attackers Ervdul sent to aid Yosef swing their mauls at Jørmund and Cascade, but all they strike is steadfast armor. Both sides of the battle on the right flank begin shifting towards the center as attackers and highwaymen alike move to strike against enemy leaders or high value targets. [hider=OOC] Two attackers attempt to attack Jørmund and Cascade. They both miss with a [url=]12[/url] and a [url=]15[/url]. [url=]Map[/url] (The password is 'Highway Finale'.) Battlefield: 20 Cascade: 18 <- Aura: 17 Ervdul: 9 Yosef: 8 Jørmund: 5 Flicker: 3 [/hider]