[CENTER][b]"[color=00a99d]HAAAAAAAA![/color]"[/b][/CENTER] Cascade cried as she struck her blow. [CENTER][b]"AAAAAAAAA!"[/b][/CENTER] Yosef cried as the force of Cascade's blow sent the reptile flying. Yosef crashed into the crony behind him. Who in turn crashed into the crony behind him. This created a domino effect that displaced a small chunk of the enemy and left Yosef groaning on the ground. "By the gods... I think... I cracked a rib." Yosef wheezed. "What... the Hells... was [i]that[/i]?" [hider=OOC] [url=https://www.owlbear.rodeo/game/DWJXrMCli]Map[/url] (The password is 'Highway Finale'.) Battlefield: 20 Cascade: 18 Aura: 17 <- Ervdul: 9 Yosef: 8 Jørmund: 5 Flicker: 3 [/hider]